President Biden Accountability Thread

I think Kamala Harris gives a lot of voters the same vibe that Hillary Clinton gave them. Harris doesn't have the ethical problems Hillary had and isn't as flagrant of a liar as she was. However, Hillary was off-putting, aloof, and phony, and Harris has all of those characteristics. And let's be honest. That's what really turned people off about Hillary. Being sleazy and dishonest didn't help, but voters happily voted for her husband who was every bit as sleazy and even more dishonest.

My guess is that Biden will finish out his term and not seek reelection. Harris will run and be the frontrunner but will have significant primary opposition from the progressive Left. They will ding her up, but the party establishment will fear the image of a black woman VP being denied the nomination and fear having a crackpot as the nominee and keep her from losing - not by rigging the convention but simply by organizational strength like they did for Biden. She will choose someone of the progressive Left as her running mate.

Whether she wins or loses will depend on the Republican nominee.

I don’t think Depends can hold on another 3 years. Compare and contrast the living corpse he is now, with him in 2018, then put a scaling factor on the decline as dementia accelerates.

My guess is the Democrat party keeps the diaper soiler till after the 22 election, to put the stink of that loss on him not the party. Then Let it Be Known, by various statements from Party Members In Good Standing that it’s time for him to go.

Jill and Klain and the rest of his hangers on will fight back, as they’ll be consigned to permanent Delaware diaper duty, but the FBI/NKVD will be used to threaten him out of office, lest a real investigation of the Biden crime family be conducted.

Then two years of the Historic First second Monday in February with a woman President (WAWP), 4th of July WAWP, meeting with the president of Peru WAWP, etc., to try to do the impossible and make VP BJ likable, and effective.
I heard one of them last week, suggest really small portions, make everyone bring something or forego some common dishes. Let's go Brandon!
If people looked at stats they would know a white person is more likely to be killed by a black than vice versa. I know showing facts like this is racism to the left but it's a fact.
More likely means what? As a percentage of their population? Regardless more whites are killed by blacks than vice versa in absolute numbers.
I more or less agree with you But I saw the anguish of an inlaw go through it and even with loving patient caretakers it was horrible to see the confusion and fear until there is nothing left.

The Biden now is a shell of the lying corrupt POS. Interesting he can remember all his old lies and his handlers can't stop him from repeating them over and over.
This should stop as he is embarrassing our country
This should stop as he is embarrassing our country
6721, no doubt that he is an embarrassment. The only problem is that if he is removed from office, we'd be stuck with Kamala - and she could be even worse.
The immediate fix that we need is for the GOP to take control of both House and Senate in the mid-term election - at least that would put a damper on the liberal agenda. We'd still have Biden, and he would still be embarrassing, but at least he couldn't ram through any more of the liberal legislation.
The Key & Stone Is How We Take Back The Country, Strategic Military Planning – Ep. 2635
*Multiple States (7?) are holding forensic audits and will release findings soon.
*Durham has more indictments coming, soon.
*Gislaine Maxwell trial starts next week. Many politicians, actors, big tech CEO’s will be implicated. Mass evidence to be presented.
*Mike Lindell lawsuit going before Supreme Court soon, representing all the states questioning election results. He has the AG’s from each state on board. He has the PCAP’s from each state.
*Military can direct commission an officer if their skills justify it (Durham and Lindell may be direct commissioned)! Therefore, military tribunals are still in play! Wait and see!
So they're good with going back to segregation? WTF?

It seems that way sometimes... same in school... there is a desire in some quarters for segregation, not integration. The idea that separate but equal was a destructive falsehood, meant to keep the races separate, now suddenly has become validated in another form.
It seems that way sometimes... same in school... there is a desire in some quarters for segregation, not integration. The idea that separate but equal was a destructive falsehood, meant to keep the races separate, now suddenly has become validated in another form.

History, don't know it so let's repeat it. Jeez
It seems that way sometimes... same in school... there is a desire in some quarters for segregation, not integration. The idea that separate but equal was a destructive falsehood, meant to keep the races separate, now suddenly has become validated in another form.

My interpretation of these proponents is that way back when they wanted to be treated equal. Now they want to be treated better than other races. Equality vs equity.
My interpretation of these proponents is that way back when they wanted to be treated equal. Now they want to be treated better than other races. Equality vs equity.
Anyway to separate us. White Christians are the target now, and the unvaxed.
For restricting travel from China, the former president was called a racist by the current president who is now restricting travel from Africa.

It's alright. The media will come up with a rationalization for why is ok for Biden to do it but wasn't ok for Trump.
They will ignore it completely. It's the great advantage of controlling the narrative - you get to decide both what's talked about, and what's not.

Depends should be done to low 30's soon in polling. Honkey college women are his last changeable support (Blacks would vote Democrat even if the party plank was to repeal the 13th Amendment) group, and they are increasingly souring on him as his Wuhan response is just to blame everyone else.
Pete Buttigieg's family history is pretty interesting. The Democrats are already talking about pairing him with Kamala. He isn't getting this opportunity based on merits but based on who his daddy was.