President Biden Accountability Thread

Watched a bit of Biden in NH. I’m starting to feel sorry for the guy. Goes on coherently for a line or two then just rambles, slurs, and repeats. Sad really.
The REALLY sad part is he does not realize it and his staff does not seem to care. Just trot him out and see if he follows the script.

If you saw Biden speaking 10 - 20 years ago, it's night and day.

I did not vote for Joe Biden but I do feel sorry for him. This is embarrassing to his party, his family, to himself and most importantly, to the country.
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I'm surprised they don't just hide him like they did during the campaign. He's not doing himself or his party any favors right now. Come mid terms it will be interesting to see how the DNC handles him because he's a walking, talking disaster for them
If you saw Biden speaking 10 - 20 years ago, it's night and day.

Yep. I remember the debate with Paul Ryan. He was never a spectacular orator or debater (frankly because he isn't that sharp), but he was 100 times more on the ball than he is now. It was only 9 years ago, but to his brain, it was 25 years ago. He's not the same guy at all.
I’m starting to feel sorry for the guy. Goes on coherently for a line or two then just rambles, slurs, and repeats. Sad really.
Good observation, nashhorn. It makes you wonder when the leadership will declare him incompetent and remove him from office. It is terrifying to think that Kamala would occupy the office.
I'm surprised they don't just hide him like they did during the campaign. He's not doing himself or his party any favors right now. Come mid terms it will be interesting to see how the DNC handles him because he's a walking, talking disaster for them

I think Kamala would be even worse. She would piss off so many people with her arrogance, which added to absolute incompetence other than bullying people with power, would create a Trump-like situation on the Left in the eyes of the moderates. I still believe their is a reasonable swath of voters down the middle in America who would actually be the counter-weight to extreme, rogue type leadership regardless of which party. Those who abhored Trump may also abhor Kamala. The only saving grace would be a Republican candidate that is not Trump.

Meaning, if you want those swing votes back to the right.

But core Liberals would vote for Joe even if he drooled openly onstage. They are so locked in and fanatical that they would just say, "Yeah but, Orange man" even though in reality, his policies were no different than a typical Republican in many ways. They needed him to be evil. They hate anybody who is on the right and that was locked and loaded WAY before Trump came along. Trump's one true value is that he held Liberals with such disdain and he wasn't intimidated by them. That was the virtual sexual turn-on for many Trump voters. Seeing someone shoot the finger at Liberals was cause for standing ovations.
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:31 AM PT – Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Dozens of U.S. service members are calling for their family members to be evacuated from U.S. service members. During a briefing Monday, Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said 60 services members have expressed concerns about family members stuck in Afghanistan in the last two weeks.
At least ten percent of voters have completely changed their views of Joe Biden.

So at least 10 percent of the voters are idiots but now realize their mistake.
To me, he was always the same. I guess some are gullible and believe what they want to believe.

At least ten percent of voters have completely changed their views of Joe Biden More Americans view him as reckless, thin-skinned, and question his health, his mental health, his leadership, and his energy.

I am shocked that 46% see him as mentally fit, 41% see the President as capable of leading, 40% see him as being in good health and 37% see him as a good communicator. Are we seeing and hearing the same person?

I do agree with the 39% who feels that he motivates his party - To vote for someone else.
Middle of the road Americans have turned off TV. I am amazed when I hear someone I think is in tune say, “I haven’t hear that” when it’s a nationwide topic.
I think Kamala would be even worse. She would piss off so many people with her arrogance, which added to absolute incompetence other than bullying people with power, would create a Trump-like situation on the Left in the eyes of the moderates. I still believe their is a reasonable swath of voters down the middle in America who would actually be the counter-weight to extreme, rogue type leadership regardless of which party. Those who abhored Trump may also abhor Kamala. The only saving grace would be a Republican candidate that is not Trump.

I think Kamala Harris gives a lot of voters the same vibe that Hillary Clinton gave them. Harris doesn't have the ethical problems Hillary had and isn't as flagrant of a liar as she was. However, Hillary was off-putting, aloof, and phony, and Harris has all of those characteristics. And let's be honest. That's what really turned people off about Hillary. Being sleazy and dishonest didn't help, but voters happily voted for her husband who was every bit as sleazy and even more dishonest.

My guess is that Biden will finish out his term and not seek reelection. Harris will run and be the frontrunner but will have significant primary opposition from the progressive Left. They will ding her up, but the party establishment will fear the image of a black woman VP being denied the nomination and fear having a crackpot as the nominee and keep her from losing - not by rigging the convention but simply by organizational strength like they did for Biden. She will choose someone of the progressive Left as her running mate.

Whether she wins or loses will depend on the Republican nominee.
HOW is this even possible?If this is true The dumbf'k and handlers are SELLING AND SHIPPING our strategic reserves to Asia
"(Bloomberg) -- If the Biden Administration decides to tap U.S. emergency crude reserves to push down domestic energy prices, it may not help all that much. The supplies may just be exported away like last month. About 1.6 million barrels of crude from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve -- a monthly record -- was shipped out in October, according to data from market intelligence firm Kpler. Thr

Read more at: U.S. Is Already Exporting Oil From Strategic Reserve at Record Pace
Copyright © BloombergQuint
I'm not sure if he is just extremely stupid or if he just thinks we all are.

We are "fly over country" to Biden. He is feeding the climate change narrative: "See, they are killing us and charging us for that service."

He is sick with lying corruption and Liberals are so mental they support it in the most vile forms possible.
At least ten percent of voters have completely changed their views of Joe Biden More Americans view him as reckless, thin-skinned, and question his health, his mental health, his leadership, and his energy.

I am shocked that 46% see him as mentally fit, 41% see the President as capable of leading, 40% see him as being in good health and 37% see him as a good communicator. Are we seeing and hearing the same person?

I do agree with the 39% who feels that he motivates his party - To vote for someone else.
I would say that those stats are incredible if you consider that 30-35% of the country are die hard Dem's. They are going to answer in a way that supports a Dem Pres no matter their true feelings. And the 30-35% that are die hard GOP are going to respond the opposite. It is huge that the 30% in the middle have essentially gone 70-80% against biden in a big way.
6721 as preposterous as that sounds ‘exporting our oil reserves’ it should not really be surprising. Biden and team have made it abundantly clear that the increase in gasoline prices is precisely what they want to happen. All actions taken will continue to promote that agenda - deliberately.
6721 as preposterous as that sounds ‘exporting our oil reserves’ it should not really be surprising. Biden and team have made it abundantly clear that the increase in gasoline prices is precisely what they want to happen. All actions taken will continue to promote that agenda - deliberately.
Americans are too stupid to drill and not kill the environment. That is what it says when Biden prohibits drilling and pipelines.

But, who cares what happens in other countries, even though they tout being globalists.
What is actually shocking is the dems in congress don't seem to care about the voters in their districts who will suffer.
How can that be?
They all get rich off the dumb asses who vote for them.

They literally are Lords over a feudal society aka The Liberal Industrial Patronage Complex. And the feminist wing of the Liberal Lord Society HATE Catholics, Misogynists, uneducated men. So why the love affair with Latino immigrants? To feed the complex and to further strengthen the child-like need of the Serfs for their Lord. There is nothing sincere about the Liberal Lords. They are vicious vile liars and our resident Liberals can only see Trump's lies. That is because of the emotional make-up of most Liberals on the street. What else can it be? There is absolutely nothing compelling about Biden or Kamala yet we know why they are in power: the media has carried the water for them.

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