President Biden Accountability Thread

I still hold on to hope and prayer that the corruption gets fully exposed for what it really is. I’m not saying I know. I just want as close to full disclosure as possible. If we let a stolen election and horrific corruption stand, unpunished. America as we know it is dead. We will get plowed under like the good Germans in the late 30’s! I know history, and I know what the hell is going on with central banks globally!
Now I have a blog to write.
Dr. Rachel Levine... ok, he / she is highly educated, has a very impressive resume of medical achievement but is this person THE best we can do for Asst. HHC Sec.?

A non-medical, Fed. Gov. position?

Asking for a friend....

No, not really, I suspect this is just another Dem / Left social experiment.

Why am I wrong?

I work in healthcare, specifically healthcare information and data related to care and quality.

Assuming there's a group of candidates all within the realm of potential, there's an obvious "win" for the President in choosing Dr Levine.

Personally, for leadership positions in the Dept of Health (state and fed) I tend to prefer 1) physicians who have a 2) history of involvement and expertise in 3) Medicare/Medicaid (CMS) quality and policy. Tom Price mostly fit, but didn't have a lot of experience related to quality and policy for coverage/care.

So...Dr Levine is liberal, but fits my general definition of a candidate, in that their experience is at the state level, but doing the very thing they would be doing at the federal level. Like going from Governor to President.
@Seattle Husker and @OUBubba

I have both of you down now as the possessing a world-class blindspot. A blind-spot created by virtue signaling political correctness. You want to be good people. You are good people. But the naivety in falling for political charlatans means you have lots of work to do.

Biden’s top aide says White House will ‘start acting now’ on reparations for African Americans

Add this to open borders, COVID bail-outs, minimum wage, the green deal, taxing the net worth of the rich etc and it's clear that the extremism of the Left far outpaces whatever it was about Trump that offended you. These people are going to destroy us. Add it up. Add the money up. It's YOUR VOTE that gave us this.

Since you tagged me and are respectful, even when we disagree, you'll need to point out your ire and claim of some enlightenment on a topic that @OUBubba and are are "blind" to. Does virtue signaling exist? I don't recall claiming it didn't. That's true on the left and right.

I'm sure we could have an eventful debate on what should fall into the "extremism" camp. For example, I wouldn't put the $15 minimum wage there but will happily point out that it hasn't passed and looks to be on thin ice. An increase in the Federal Minimum Wage, which hasn't occurred in decades, is extremism? I personally think we need to see in increased but would love to see it tied to some county by county benchmark. For example, $15 minimum may be a "living wage" in Seattle but head over to Eastern Washington it's a bit high for an Apple picker.

"Free College" is now community college (potentially) and "loan forgiveness" is now $10k forgiveness. If those results are "extremism" then you've set your bar so far right that any agenda advanced would be perceived as extremist which is not an example of our blind spot but rather limitations of your own perspective. Green New Deal so far as meant reversing some Trump policies, re-joining the Paris accords. A return to Obama era policies are hardly extremism, or are they to you?
I work in healthcare, specifically healthcare information and data related to care and quality.

Assuming there's a group of candidates all within the realm of potential, there's an obvious "win" for the President in choosing Dr Levine.

Personally, for leadership positions in the Dept of Health (state and fed) I tend to prefer 1) physicians who have a 2) history of involvement and expertise in 3) Medicare/Medicaid (CMS) quality and policy. Tom Price mostly fit, but didn't have a lot of experience related to quality and policy for coverage/care.

So...Dr Levine is liberal, but fits my general definition of a candidate, in that their experience is at the state level, but doing the very thing they would be doing at the federal level. Like going from Governor to President.

As long as Dr. Levine is qualified, which she appears to be based on background and experience, especially for a Asst. Secretary of Health, any attacks seem to be rooted in things other than her experience.
As long as Dr. Levine is qualified, which she appears to be based on background and experience, especially for a Asst. Secretary of Health, any attacks seem to be rooted in things other than her experience.

Her experience and her formulated views based on that experience are exactly why she's not qualified.

Hell, let's nominate Dr. Frankenstein. Hes actually more accomplished. What say you?
China Joe has not had a single press conference since he took office... riddle me why a new incoming POTUS would avoid the press like this?

I know the answer as do most of you. Will you libs be honest and admit why?

A new POTUS "normally" will lay out his / her first 100 days, state their agenda, give Americans hope and confidence he / she is at the wheel of the ship.

Lots of others including HS Sophmore Jen Psaki continue to speak for the corrupt, lame and failing Joe.

What is the over / under on when Joe has a real press conference?
China Joe has not had a single press conference since he took office... riddle me why a new incoming POTUS would avoid the press like this?

I know the answer as do most of you. Will you libs be honest and admit why?

A new POTUS "normally" will lay out his / her first 100 days, state their agenda, give Americans hope and confidence he / she is at the wheel of the ship.

Lots of others including HS Sophmore Jen Psaki continue to speak for the corrupt, lame and failing Joe.

What is the over / under on when Joe has a real press conference?
HS Sophomore. Cracks me up every time.

HS Sophomore. Cracks me up every time.


She is!

Read her body language and expressions!

To me, she seems immature, mostly unsure of herself, uninformed and in WAY over her head!

Plus the questioning press is far, far kinder to her than they were to Kayleigh McEnany when she spoke for Trump.
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Hey, just like the promised "HOPE" in 2009, (hope means I have no plan or strategy)... Joe assures us and gives us "HOPE" today "things will return to normal in 2022"!

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Day 43 and counting .... no press conference from the non compos mentos POTUS.

A 100+ year old record among new POTUS.

The world is watching, especially CCP. What say you Libs?
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He did not. Only an accessory.
Which is enough to qualify someone for prosecution under felony murder doctrines...he was complicit in the overt act. Of course, this requires a DA who is willing to do the right thing, something that California jurisdictions tend to lack and, at the federal level, does not seem to exist under the current DOJ.
What did he do that was criminal? He made mistakes but the miscounting or not reporting right is being bad at your job, not committing a crime, right?
Which is enough to qualify someone for prosecution under felony murder doctrines...he was complicit in the overt act. Of course, this requires a DA who is willing to do the right thing, something that California jurisdictions tend to lack and, at the federal level, does not seem to exist under the current DOJ.
And the mother ******* storming the capital on 1/6/2021 where more than one person died don't deserve felony murder?
But...but...the Capitol riot!!!!

(I don't recall any conservative poster on here saying that if found guilty, that any of the rioters should not be punished accordingly and within the law.)

Yep, however we can be assured no one will be charged with murder.
And the mother ******* storming the capital on 1/6/2021 where more than one person died don't deserve felony murder?

If you can demonstrate that an individual engaged in a felony, then prosecute them. I don't recall a single conservative here or elsewhere who has sought to condone any of the acts of violence that occurred (unlike what we saw last summer with the lefties in office openly ENCOURAGING the acts such as those that took the life of people like Captain David Dorn).
An unarmed woman was shot by Capitol Police. Wonder where the outrage would be had it been an armed or unarmed black guy.

Exactly. The whole narrative would have been changed if it was the lefties who had done this. In fact, we wouldn't be using the stupid *** narrative that this was an "insurrection".
Leftists take over 6-7 city blocks by force with a few murders happening and it's a hippie love fest. Stupid people storm the capital and it's an insurrection. Could you imagine going through life being stupid enough to believe what the MSM is selling?
An unarmed woman was shot by Capitol Police. Wonder where the outrage would be had it been an armed or unarmed black guy.
Wonder why the difference?

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