Post Right Wing looniness here

Yes, Sangre, I think Joe Biden was a "stand-in." The Democrats killed off the Hillary and Bernie campaigns because Joe could be manipulated. He just could not keep to the script, with or without an earpiece.
No. They knew what was going on and the piece de resistance was the Trump debate. This is when the American people KNEW that Joe Biden was not capable of running the country. Remember this line from the 2024 debate?

TRUMP: I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said either.

The Democrat leadership and the press were complicit in the Biden cover-up. They knew what was really going on in the White House. We could see it on TV amid the denials from CNN, MSNBC, etc.

As someone raised as a Democrat, I write this with no joy. To me, the party is always secondary to the country and its people.

Biden was the fallback in 2020, and Kamala was the fallback-to-the-fallback in 2024.

From Reagan on, I have never voted for a Democrat President, and I might never. To my way of thinking, the party has lost its way.

Having written all of that, I hope that the Democrat Party finds its way. Yet, I am a dreamer.
They knew what was going on and the piece de resistance was the Trump debate. This is when the American people KNEW that Joe Biden was not capable of running the country.
True. They hid it as long as they could. The debate exposed it fully, and the Democrats knew then that they were sunk in the 2024 election. Kamala was a horrible candidate - and I think the Democrat power brokers knew that. But they had no alternative given the very short notice.
Demz Knew they had nothing halfway through the SloJoe/Trump debate. Obama's coup was a desperate attempt to get enough women and minority votes to push Harris across the line (he assumed the 34 percent solid demz wall would hold).

Now they are totally screwed and grasping at straws.

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