I would think that Monarchies almost automatically fall under Right Wing Looniness...
Monarchism is Classical Conservatism after all.
I posted somewhere on this website that the only genocides of the 20th Century led by conservative forces were those done by Leopold of Belgium and Showa of Japan. Classical conservatism anyways. What is now called "conservatism" in America looks kind of like "Classical Liberalism." These guys were monarchists. One of them had no limits on the numbers he would sacrifice and kill to make more $$$$ (Leopold). The other was the de-facto supposed man-god leader of a national religious cult at least 2,000 years old that held that their race descended from the supposed sun-goddess, and they were therefore superior to the rest of mankind and destined to rule all (Showa).
Today's Belgians are harmless chocolate makers, and beer brewers, and often-attractive blond females.
Today's Japanese are friendly allies, highly competent, very clean and orderly people who almost never commit crimes. And they're obsessed with us and U.S. culture.