Post Left Wing looniness here

And supposedly we're getting smarter.

correlation or causation ??

Whew. Your first post didn't convey if you thought it was real or fake.
I was being 82% coy by saying "I don't speak for this author but it's funny". I can laugh at many things. Some of my buds share some Biden things on the facebook that are funny as hell. I have bipartisan humor.
Yeah, Trump is a liar...

But the Democrats are the same:

"Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries expressed optimism Sunday that his party could still hold on to its narrow majority in Congress in November's midterm elections.

The New York lawmaker, who chairs the House Democratic Caucus, told "Face the Nation" that the president's early actions to fight the COVID-19 pandemic helped create millions of new jobs and "rescued the economy."

This is a lie and if you hate Trump because he lies without hating Democrats then you have no credibility. It just means you're a Liberal and nothing matters but you're deep feeling of being a Liberal first and forever.
"Churches" are like "news organizations." Organizations are using both illegally. For those that are legitimately what they say they are, I think they should have the traditional protections. Those that are not should not.
Yeah, Trump is a liar...

But the Democrats are the same:

"Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries expressed optimism Sunday that his party could still hold on to its narrow majority in Congress in November's midterm elections.

The New York lawmaker, who chairs the House Democratic Caucus, told "Face the Nation" that the president's early actions to fight the COVID-19 pandemic helped create millions of new jobs and "rescued the economy."

This is a lie and if you hate Trump because he lies without hating Democrats then you have no credibility. It just means you're a Liberal and nothing matters but you're deep feeling of being a Liberal first and forever.
What's the lie? His opinion (while likely poorly crafted and wrong) is that the left will win. The new jobs are there. COVID response is subjective but they were more responsive than the previous administration.
A. Churches that preach politics from the pulpit should lose their tax relief.
B. It's not punitive. Tax revenue is needed.
so should all the churches in the black community that push "get out the vote" lose their tax status? The whole idea behind that effort is that the black community is known to vote 90+% Dem and they use church as their bandwagon/peer pressure campaign to generate votes. It is punitive when you're doing it to enforce a particular policy. It was punitive against smoking, it is punitive against guns/ammo, it is punitive against oil/gas vehicles, it is punitive against churches that have a different message than the Dem's. It is part of the Dem playbook now. If they can't get a law enacted, they can get a tax enacted that will eventually have a similar effect. Make it so expensive that people will quit doing it on their own.
Not its not. There is zero amount of tax revenue that could possibly offset Brandon's spending. We're fooked and I'm not willing to give a penny more to any politician to waste....ANY politician.
Who's this Brandon that you speak of? So, debt isn't a problem under any GOP president? Great to know.
so should all the churches in the black community that push "get out the vote" lose their tax status? The whole idea behind that effort is that the black community is known to vote 90+% Dem and they use church as their bandwagon/peer pressure campaign to generate votes. It is punitive when you're doing it to enforce a particular policy. It was punitive against smoking, it is punitive against guns/ammo, it is punitive against oil/gas vehicles, it is punitive against churches that have a different message than the Dem's. It is part of the Dem playbook now. If they can't get a law enacted, they can get a tax enacted that will eventually have a similar effect. Make it so expensive that people will quit doing it on their own.
There's a huge difference between encouraging people to vote and telling people how to vote. I had a preacher who was a Democrat that I thought the world of preach against a gaming initiative on the ballot. I understand his views but it was against the rules. As the Treasurer of the church at the time I considered saying something but figured it was a one off. And, as part of the Methodist infrastructure, we'd have to do a **** ton more than that to put the "Church" at risk.
U.S. Budget Deficit by President

Obama is the big winner over 8 years. ***** grabber is #2. But, he's really #1 because he did it in 4 years. You fiscal conservatives want more of that... lol.

Who's notably absent from this list? Clinton, Carter, LBJ, Kennedy, etc. What do those dudes have in common? Womanizers? No. Peanut farmers? No. Catholics? No. They're Democrats.
Yes Carter was awesome! As inflation continues to soar along with rising interest rates, Sleepy hopes to be even more awesome. They both have some amazing foreign victories too!

LBJ is the cause of most of our debt and spending issues by making millions dependent on the government teet.
Who's this Brandon that you speak of? So, debt isn't a problem under any GOP president? Great to know.

Reading isn't your strong point is it. The word ANY refers to ANY politician. FWIW Brandon has spent even more than Trumps record fiscal disaster by almost 33%. You want to know why inflation is so high? Start there.
Reading isn't your strong point is it. The word ANY refers to ANY politician. FWIW Brandon has spent even more than Trumps record fiscal disaster by almost 33%. You want to know why inflation is so high? Start there.
Good point. My doc friend pointed out that he heard the following at a pancake breakfast Saturday. "I spend $600/day on diesel. I hope the Democrats are happy.". Then the lady across from him says, "yep." His point is that diesel is the equivalent of $300/barrel and that is on the oil companies, not the President". I know little about oil/diesel but I'm sure there are some experts here to help me along on how this is wrong.
What's the lie? His opinion (while likely poorly crafted and wrong) is that the left will win. The new jobs are there. COVID response is subjective but they were more responsive than the previous administration.

Give it up. This is pure propaganda. He's a liar.

I'm not talking about predicting a victory. I'm talking about the other garbage. It's unreal.
CNN fails to mention its due to how many jobs were lost during the pandemic due to the terrible government response. On a side note, I’ve wondered in the National polls who were the 26% who believe the country is headed in the right direction. I think I found one.
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Job coming back after leftist-destroyed cities allowed workers to go back to work is NOT a creation of new jobs. "Allowing" a business to resume operations and be able to use their ten employees is NOT the 'creation' of ten or more jobs...

Meanwhile, almost from the beginning of the sniffles charade, even places like Houston have had problems with finding people TO go to work. There were far too many that stayed home to sit on their asses waiting for the next helicoptered check to arrive. Those checks also made Las Vegas a less-than-fun place to be with all of the California trash that drove over and acted like fools on The Strip...

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