Post Left Wing looniness here

The book burning thing is so dumb. They were removing dirty and graphic books from elementary school libraries. That's not "book burning." Having to explain obvious stuff like that gets so tiresome. Of course, we had to previously explain why putting people who were caught breaking immigration laws into detention centers and giving them three meals a day isn't the same as gassing innocent Jews in Auschwitz, so I don't expect better.
The book burning thing is so dumb. They were removing dirty and graphic books from elementary school libraries. That's not "book burning." Having to explain obvious stuff like that gets so tiresome. Of course, we had to previously explain why putting people who were caught breaking immigration laws into detention centers and giving them three meals a day isn't the same as gassing innocent Jews in Auschwitz, so I don't expect better.

No matter how many times he gets burned following these stupid MSM narratives he never learns.
No matter how many times he gets burned following these stupid MSM narratives he never learns.
He doesn’t know that the narratives exist for political purposes (power) and that in no way do they have to conform to reality. Same for feminism, gender theory, etc. You actually are not supposed to believe it, or live it in your personal life. The people who actually spout off this stuff like they believe it are the truly dumb.
He doesn’t know that the narratives exist for political purposes (power) and that in no way do they have to conform to reality. Same for feminism, gender theory, etc. You actually are not supposed to believe it, or live it in your personal life. The people who actually spout off this stuff like they believe it are the truly dumb.

The Left says that conservatives are in a Fox News bubble that keeps them from hearing controverting views and information, and the exact opposite is much more true. They are in an information bubble in which all they hear is how right they are how wrong and evil anyone who disagrees is. And instead of it being one news channel, it's the entire political media - every major, national newspaper, every news channel that isn't Fox News, virtually every college and university, etc.

Other than when he's here, Switzer probably never leaves that bubble.
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From Europe
I watched MSNBC and CNN and FOX last night to see which was most slanted and if any of them were remotely objective. Wasted a few hours. All are slanted to a brutal extent and none came within a breath of objectivity.

There were a couple of decent movies on and a replay of a Super Bowl Game that had only an hour's worth of commercials, as compared with the original viewing which had eight hours of commercials, including a bunch with really cute animals.

This country is so totally screwed
I watched MSNBC and CNN and FOX last night to see which was most slanted and if any of them were remotely objective. Wasted a few hours. All are slanted to a brutal extent and none came within a breath of objectivity.

There were a couple of decent movies on and a replay of a Super Bowl Game that had only an hour's worth of commercials, as compared with the original viewing which had eight hours of commercials, including a bunch with really cute animals.

This country is so totally screwed
OAN. Fox. Yeah we’re screwed.
They are all slanted. The problem is they call themselves “news” and the American public is too stupid to differentiate facts from opinions.
They are all slanted. The problem is they call themselves “news” and the American public is too stupid to differentiate facts from opinions.
I'm starting to watch News Nation. Production quality is not as high but i don't feel like I'm getting a huge slant one way or the other.

I hate Spectrum news. It is how my cable is set up. It defaults to that crud station every time i turn it on and it is clearly a baby-CNN.
They are all slanted. The problem is they call themselves “news” and the American public is too stupid to differentiate facts from opinions.

I think it's confirmation bias. Yes, people are stupid. Check out rush hour in Austin. But they don't have the time or inclination to challenge everything they hear so they default to their base emotions and we know how that goes.
They are all slanted. The problem is they call themselves “news” and the American public is too stupid to differentiate facts from opinions.
Agree. See all the pearl clutching on the 2020 election. Meanwhile, the GOP stacks state offices to be able to succeed at what they were trying to do on 1/6 and to throw out a real election.

I find PBS to be reasonable. Also, Scott Pelley is no MSM talking head.
Agree. See all the pearl clutching on the 2020 election. Meanwhile, the GOP stacks state offices to be able to succeed at what they were trying to do on 1/6 and to throw out a real election.

I find PBS to be reasonable. Also, Scott Pelley is no MSM talking head.

The Republicans are making so many stupid mistakes. In my view, the rise of AOC et al should have created landslide opportunities for Conservatives but instead they blow it with stupidity and aggression.

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