Post Left Wing looniness here

Ok. We've done that. Supply side economics has proven to not be effective in the US. It equates to more and more income inequality.

Since when has the Federal government cut spending? Not in the last 50 years.

What is producing income inequality is government spending and Fed monetary policy.
Trump did not direct jurisdictions to close businesses. That is all on the leftist mayors and governors.

Here in Texas, I was going to work on a daily basis. We were open for business.
Me too, and I knew the whole Covid shutdown thing was a scam because liquor stores, including the one I worked for, were considered "essential" and left open. I was glad to still be drawing a paycheck, but that decision was pure ********.
Me too, and I knew the whole Covid shutdown thing was a scam because liquor stores, including the one I worked for, were considered "essential" and left open. I was glad to still be drawing a paycheck, but that decision was pure ********.
I worked at a liquor store in Norman across from the regional behavioral health facility when I was in college. I would disagree that liquor sales were non-essential. There were a lot of $2.37 purchases at 10:00 sharp.
If you want equality of incomes, move to a communist country. In a capitalist economy, people earn unequal incomes - based on the value the market places on their services.
You need to put it in terms an okie can understand...

Some homes have wheels, some do not. The ones without wheels could be brick and mortar or frame homes capable of withstanding strong storms while others without wheels may require tie-downs.
If you want equality of incomes, move to a communist country. In a capitalist economy, people earn unequal incomes - based on the value the market places on their services.
Bruh, I'm referring to relative income equality - not actual equal pay. We have seen a large shift in the last decade of the uber rich getting rich and the rest of us chilling in relatively the same place and the percentage of poor slowly growing.
So Bubba when you said above in reference to spending cuts that "we've done that"
You didn't really mean it?
I think you could argue that cuts in government spending relative to GDP would count. In fact, the GOP side would argue that. However, there were cuts, minimal as they were. :)

Here's the thing. I googled it and read up on it. You **** posted. We're not the same.
Not to be outdone by the stupidity of the virtue signaling Washington Redskins, San Francisco school district leaves them in the dust.

San Fran has a “hold my beer moment”.

I’m not a huge mascot warrior. Most Oklahoma natives are not. Historically, a lot of Oklahomans are native so the racial issues are less pervasive in our personal histories. That said, you have to admit the Redskins was a little much.
Not to be outdone by the stupidity of the virtue signaling Washington Redskins, San Francisco school district leaves them in the dust.

Sad...they JUST had a damned election designed to get away from that sort of crap. Turns out the new boss is the same as the old boss...
Not to be outdone by the stupidity of the virtue signaling Washington Redskins, San Francisco school district leaves them in the dust.

How about replacing "chief" with "dictator"? I found it on a list from

In all seriousness, I checked the top definition of "chief" from, and it's:

"the head or leader of an organized body of people; the person highest in authority"

Then I checked the etymology of the English word "chief." It comes from Old French "chief" and Modern French "chef."

Seems Native Americans need to stop using the word to avoid negative connotations with it's origin and proper use as leader.
How about replacing "chief" with "dictator"? I found it on a list from

In all seriousness, I checked the top definition of "chief" from, and it's:

"the head or leader of an organized body of people; the person highest in authority"

Then I checked the etymology of the English word "chief." It comes from Old French "chief" and Modern French "chef."

Seems Native Americans need to stop using the word to avoid negative connotations with it's origin and proper use as leader.

They could also use the German word for leader, which is Führer, but that may not go over very well.
Me too, and I knew the whole Covid shutdown thing was a scam because liquor stores, including the one I worked for, were considered "essential" and left open. I was glad to still be drawing a paycheck, but that decision was pure ********.

In Russia they also make sure the citizens get their vodka rations.

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