Post Left Wing looniness here

They never treated it like it was only about a a tiny fraction of the population. They treated it like it was a huge moral crusade that warranted the reordering of any facet of society organized by biological sex, the changing of languages, and the persecution and at times incarceration of anyone who resisted it.
They never treated it like it was only about a a tiny fraction of the population. They treated it like it was a huge moral crusade that warranted the reordering of any facet of society organized by biological sex, the changing of languages, and the persecution and at times incarceration of anyone who resisted it.
So what? If a future administration brings all that back, they will bow and be right back on board with whatever they are told to do.
No one does crazy twice in the same way. Also these crazy ideas first start in left wing circles, incubated, and then hatched (foisted?) onto unsuspecting citizens. Once the gig is up, it’s back to the drawing board.
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So what? If a future administration brings all that back, they will bow and be right back on board with whatever they are told to do.

This is why we need a Supreme Court case to totally destroy all forms of this garbage. It's already illegal, but court cases and EEOC regulations have given it wiggle room. That needs to die.
At the beginning of my relationship with my Maryland-born wife, we were watching a movie that portrayed another Texan as a racist redneck. I was the first Texan she had met.

I had noticed over my lifetime, that Hollywood invariably portrays Texas as a desert full of Rednecks, and told her so.

She said that I was the Redneck for thinking that. After a few years we we watching another movie trashing Texas, I was saying nothing. Suddenly she declared that I was absolutely correct.

As you all know, Hollywood has been trashing Texas and the southern white male for a long time. That propaganda has been in the other media as well. It was socially acceptable. By blaming the South for slavery, the northerners were absolving themselves.

Now it has progressed to all straight white males are toxic or at the least problematic…not just the southerners. The straight, conservative , white women are also being added to the deplorable basket.

The democrat party will not recover until this stops. They believe their own propaganda so profoundly that they will never change their minds.

In Anthony Bourdain’s Houston episode, he came to Texas looking for racism. He interviewed the Nigerians and was told they had never encountered racism in Houston and, in fact, had been treated quite well by the white Texans.

Bourdain said he had been told all his life, growing up in New York, that Texans were the enemy..the Others. He then admitted he was the prejudiced one, and that he was proud of the people of Texas.
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I still get a chuckle thinking of the time I was visiting my grandparents in NE Texas - I was living in El Paso and in HS - and took a girl to the movies. It was an old western. There was a scene where a tumbleweed blew across the dirt street of the old western town and she asked if that was what El Paso was like? I laughed out loud and said, nope, we even have running water and indoor toilets.
But honestly we did have, and still do in some places, have blowing tumbleweeds. Love it.
The rest of the country definitely misjudges Texas. When I moved to Plano from California, I assumed I was moving to a land of dumb, illiterate, sh1tkickers living in trailer parks. My dad had visited for his job interview and told me I couldn't be more wrong, but I didn't really believe him until I arrived and got to know real people.
The rest of the country definitely misjudges Texas. When I moved to Plano from California, I assumed I was moving to a land of dumb, illiterate, sh1tkickers living in trailer parks. My dad had visited for his job interview and told me I couldn't be more wrong, but I didn't really believe him until I arrived and got to know real people.
If it weren’t for the anti-Texas attitudes, we’d be twice as crowded. So in a way we owe the MSM and Hollywood a thanks. I point it out here mainly because we’re never going to get the close calls.
The rest of the country definitely misjudges Texas. When I moved to Plano from California, I assumed I was moving to a land of dumb, illiterate, sh1tkickers living in trailer parks. My dad had visited for his job interview and told me I couldn't be more wrong, but I didn't really believe him until I arrived and got to know real people.
Well, if you had landed in Hearne instead of Plano, you might have a different impression.
If it weren’t for the anti-Texas attitudes, we’d be twice as crowded. So in a way we owe the MSM and Hollywood a thanks. I point it out here mainly because we’re never going to get the close calls.

I'll admit to being a hypocrite. I moved from California to Texas and strongly don't want others from California moving to Texas. The big difference is that though I don't wear cowboy hats or boots and don't speak with a Texas accent, my family and I fully embraced Texas values. Most Californians nowadays do not.

the ‘Marxist Winter School’ in February that will offer a ‘weekend of intensive Marxist training,

For the sake of crushing some sense into these bloody dumbf@cks' skulls...

I could only wish that they could be transported in a time machine to Trotsky's early leadership of the Red Army (which he founded) and make them do a weekend of actual, real, intensive Marxist training at 20 below zero with Kommisars pointing the pistols at their head if they "refuse training." And they thought our bootcamps were tough and mean... These pampered "useful idiots" wouldn't last a day, much less a weekend in actual, real, intensive Marxist training.

Even their (ironic) hero Che Guevara would summarily execute about half of them the moment he discovered they were LGBTQ+, etc., or if they wanted to use the head reserved for the opposite sex.

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