Post Left Wing looniness here

When I first read that name, I thought it was about this guy.


I'm old enough to remember when it was just LGB. How the hell are people supposed to keep up with this?

They are not holding the People Of Color demographic as strongly as they counted on with the "racism" lies, so they have to create another tent. That tent will be the Acronym Tent. Black America has increasingly fought for LGBT priorities not because they inherently support them but because the Dem's use the in-for-a-penny, in-for-a-pound approach to corral their politicians. Even though homosexuality was anathema in the black community to much larger extent than the white community, black politicians are increasingly pushing that agenda as part of the "being a democrat" bargain. The Dem's hope to use that same approach to grab little pieces of all these other demographics and get them to vote straight ticket blue all the time.

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