Post Left Wing looniness here

She thinks she is a sci-fi character but she is really an eschatological character.

I don't get why people are so willing to do this. You can simply carry your credit cards, debit cards, and a small card with relevant medical information on it if you want to. I see no upside to this and tremendous potential for abuse. Furthermore, it's just creepy. There's a reason why authors have written dystopian books about stuff like this.

Honestly, I was reluctant to even microchip our cat. lol
I totally understand. I did not like microchipping my amazing dog
but I did since he knows not to talk to strangers.
Seriously uh NO. no chips in humans who can talk
Ohio (not California, Oregon, or New York) goes full retard on abortion. Link. I say so not because it legalized abortion broadly but because it eliminated all restrictions of any kind. Parental notification or consent, late term abortion limitations - all gone. You can now have a fully developed baby at 36 weeks and kill him or her if it's minutes from being born. Insane.
The abortion issue is an issue in any state doe tries to regulate. As seen in Kentucky and Virginia last night - it is THE issue for a sufficient number of voters as it transcends all other issues (like the total failure of every other dem policy and program). Texas Republicans had better get their act together or face the real possibility of losing control of the state government by 2026.
Yep. The people want abortion, unfortunately. Youngkin's anti-abortion stance, although the right moral choice, sunk Virginia last night.
Ohio (not California, Oregon, or New York) goes full retard on abortion. Link. I say so not because it legalized abortion broadly but because it eliminated all restrictions of any kind. Parental notification or consent, late term abortion limitations - all gone. You can now have a fully developed baby at 36 weeks and kill him or her if it's minutes from being born. Insane.

Ohio is a red state. Scary stuff.
Just another opportunity to say “just when you think it cannot get worse……”
No other way to say it - they genuinely want to make murder no longer illegal. No pretending America has any moral high ground. Despicable.

They’re handling it terribly. They need a state-by-state approach. Frankly, Nikki Haley probably has this issue about right - at least for a federal candidate.

Side note - Ronna McDaniel needs to get shitcanned. All she has done is lose. I thought Reince Priebus was a tool, but he’s ten times more competent than she is.
Nikki Hailey nailed the abortion question in the debate last night.
Republicans need to start using her comments, or I fear that one subject will doom Republicans forever.
Whether you agree or disagree with abortion, her answer was measured, logical, and understanding of both sides.

For those that didn't watch, she explained what Roe v Wade was initially, a privacy law. She stated that even the beloved by the left RBG was surprised it had lasted so long. She said she thought that non-elected justices shouldn't be the people to decide, that each state should be able to vote for or against. She said, I'm against, but I won't judge those that are for, and please don't judge me for being against.

She brought up the need for special cases, such as rape victims, and quoted a percentage of people who believed ( I can't recall but it was a large majority) no abortions beyond a certain number of months should occur beyond that date. She also mentioned the number of votes needed that would be impossible to receive.

I'm probably forgetting some other things she said, and am paraphrasing, but, Republicans will lose on this issue if we don't try and not make it black and white.

Y'all may disagree with me, but we must come to some type of solution we can all accept.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
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It is a media promoted problem for Republicans because any reasonable attitude or even suggestion by the Republicans is ignored by the Dems with lies and misinformation only to be completely supported, propagated even, by the MSM. It is true for all issues - the lying propaganda - but none so blatant as the abortion issue. I would challenge you to find a handful of Dem voters who think a single Republican would support rape or incest abortion.
It is a media promoted problem for Republicans because any reasonable attitude or even suggestion by the Republicans is ignored by the Dems with lies and misinformation only to be completely supported, propagated even, by the MSM. It is true for all issues - the lying propaganda - but none so blatant as the abortion issue. I would challenge you to find a handful of Dem voters who think a single Republican would support rape or incest abortion.

Conservatives or Christians should go for the strictest abortion restrictions which are politically possible. That will be different for different states. Conservative Christians should take a small win now whenever and where-ever. But they shouldn't stop pushing for more restrictions. Inch it along like the Leftists did.
How the hell did we get people like this? This lady needs to live in a padded room.

I'm unclear...does she have anxiety issues?

Couldn't help but to laugh when she kept going 'dude' after whining about the LEO using 'ma'am' - cop did well to make no sarcastic comment there...
But I'm indigenous...but I'm non-binary...but

**** you *****. You're driving so drunk you were going the wrong way up a highway, endangering everybody else out there. None of your mewling intersectionality ******** makes up for that.

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