Nikki Hailey nailed the abortion question in the debate last night.
Republicans need to start using her comments, or I fear that one subject will doom Republicans forever.
Whether you agree or disagree with abortion, her answer was measured, logical, and understanding of both sides.
For those that didn't watch, she explained what Roe v Wade was initially, a privacy law. She stated that even the beloved by the left RBG was surprised it had lasted so long. She said she thought that non-elected justices shouldn't be the people to decide, that each state should be able to vote for or against. She said, I'm against, but I won't judge those that are for, and please don't judge me for being against.
She brought up the need for special cases, such as rape victims, and quoted a percentage of people who believed ( I can't recall but it was a large majority) no abortions beyond a certain number of months should occur beyond that date. She also mentioned the number of votes needed that would be impossible to receive.
I'm probably forgetting some other things she said, and am paraphrasing, but, Republicans will lose on this issue if we don't try and not make it black and white.
Y'all may disagree with me, but we must come to some type of solution we can all accept.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/