Post Left Wing looniness here

Trannies shut down rape center for women!

California bans sale of new diesel big rigs after 2036, existing fleets must be replaced by "zero-emission" vehicles by 2042 | Not the Bee

"Spear said the state's "rhetoric is not being matched by technology," and that the rule will lead to much higher costs of goods for the citizens of California."

Yeah, and not just California. Think of all those ships that cross the pacific to reach port in California for the rest of the states. We better start scaling back exponentially our trade with Asia. If I was Oregon or Washington, I'd start building seaports like a madman. But given they're as loony as California, they won't.

So shipping companies will probably start building inland ports along the California border. Figure how to get goods from Cali ports to inland ports in Arizona and Nevada. They're regulating trains as well, so that's not an option. Flying is not an option. I'm also betting they'll come up with regulations for ships entering Cali ports.
Are transgender treatments consumer fraud? | WORLD (

State attorney general Andrew Bailey has attempted to regulate transgender interventions by invoking the state’s Merchandising Practices Act, a law that protects consumers from unfair or deceptive businesses. Under Bailey’s order, anyone offering hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery in the state would be guilty of consumer fraud unless they abide by the attorney general’s long list of requirements. A state judge temporarily blocked the order while a lawsuit against it is under consideration in court.

The Merchandising Practices Act, part of Missouri’s consumer protection law, is commonly associated with shady car dealers and scam artists. Bailey says healthcare providers are no different when they encourage patients to undergo procedures “not supported by solid evidence.” But consumer advocacy groups say it’s a peculiar move.

If the order eventually gets the green light, Missouri would impose a list of requirements on anyone seeking to offer gender transition surgery or other medical interventions. A patient would need to show proof of experiencing gender dysphoria for at least three years and attend at least 15 therapy sessions over 18 months. Medical providers would be required to assess the patient to rule out autism or mental health issues as causes for their gender dysphoria. If the patient is a minor, providers would also be required to assess them for a social media addiction.
That is pretty much what he said. He will keep sending bushes of illegals until Biden closes the border.
Some more were supposed to leave yesterday. BTW all illegals on these buses have volunteered to go.
The reports I’ve send mention 20-30 illegals sent. I’m wanted 2-300 being sent per load one after another. It galls me to hear them moan about a bus load inconveniencing them when our border towns are dealing with thousands often daily.
Are transgender treatments consumer fraud? | WORLD (

State attorney general Andrew Bailey has attempted to regulate transgender interventions by invoking the state’s Merchandising Practices Act, a law that protects consumers from unfair or deceptive businesses. Under Bailey’s order, anyone offering hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery in the state would be guilty of consumer fraud unless they abide by the attorney general’s long list of requirements. A state judge temporarily blocked the order while a lawsuit against it is under consideration in court.

The Merchandising Practices Act, part of Missouri’s consumer protection law, is commonly associated with shady car dealers and scam artists. Bailey says healthcare providers are no different when they encourage patients to undergo procedures “not supported by solid evidence.” But consumer advocacy groups say it’s a peculiar move.

If the order eventually gets the green light, Missouri would impose a list of requirements on anyone seeking to offer gender transition surgery or other medical interventions. A patient would need to show proof of experiencing gender dysphoria for at least three years and attend at least 15 therapy sessions over 18 months. Medical providers would be required to assess the patient to rule out autism or mental health issues as causes for their gender dysphoria. If the patient is a minor, providers would also be required to assess them for a social media addiction.

It's a nice idea, but the Texas Supreme Court is madly in love with the Texas Medical Liability Act (TMLA - deals with medical malpractice)), so it would almost surely force one of these cases into it rather than into the Deceptive Trade Practice Act (DTPA - deals with consumer fraud). A case like that would be pretty much impossible under the TMLA. Maybe the court would make an exception because it's probably hostile to the trans agenda, but it would have to be blatantly inconsistent with its own rulings to do it, because it has forced cases that had far less to do with medical malpractice (such as sexual assault) into the TMLA.
If you're going to drink ****** beer, drink Coors. Their product still tastes like ***, but it's no worse than Bud, and they've at least generally been a conservative company.
For some reason Coors gives me a headache. I think I'll just drink Shiner now. Too bad AB bought Karbach, they have some good beers.
For some reason Coors gives me a headache.

Drinking rhinoceros piss will do that to you.

I think I'll just drink Shiner now. Too bad AB bought Karbach, they have some good beers.

With the explosion of craft beers and the ability to get imported beers for cheaper, there's no reason to drink anything from Anheuser Busch, Coors, or Miller. Those beers survive for no reason other than poor taste by American consumers.

Shiner is ok. It was better in the mid '90s, but in about '99, they seemed to water it down and it became a high-end (compared to Beast, Keystone, or Natty Light)) college binge drinking beer in the 2000s. It's still significantly better than the Big 3, but it has dropped. It also bugs me that they call their main beer a "bock" when it clearly isn't. It's more like a dunkel. A true bock has a bolder flavor, a little more bitterness, and a higher alcohol content.

If I still lived in the Austin area, I'd probably drink Austin Beerworks. I know one of the owners and his wife, and they're good people, and their beer is superb.

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