Post Left Wing looniness here

Notice the portrait hanging in the room? Frida Kahlo was a member of the Mexican Communist Party.

Home schooling is the future for people who wants kids who can read, write and do math.
Well, the state government of the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia has gone totally off the deep end - Get ready, Californians. Your incomes will now factor into the electricity bill | Opinion ( Apparently the socialist legislature has decided to redistribute income by having higher-income electricity consumers subsidize lower-income users and the gross receipts to the providers will stay the same. Socialists everywhere will rejoice - and start trying to export this philosophy to other states. Guess the voters in CA who elected these morons are getting what they deserve.

Maybe we should forget the wall along the southern border and start building a wall around CA - to keep the residents who are trying to escape from bringing their leftist voting tendencies here.
If I was black, this would offend me, because what does it actually say? It says that they can't come up with a real black Catholic who has done anything, so they have to find a white one and make him look like George Floyd to make themselves look righteous.

While St Augustine was African (a Berber), depicting him as a sub-Saharan black man is simply wrong.

There are millions of Africans today who don't look at all like that portrait, and those same people existed 1700 years ago too. Doesn't authenticity and accuracy count any more?

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