Post Left Wing looniness here

Are the Young Turks being red-pilled?

"You can support the transgender community without doing this ****."

No you can't as the comments to her tweet show.

"this notion that the mere existence of trans-inclusive terms (rarely used in casual convos) somehow degrades women comes right out of the right's anti-trans 'war on women' playbook."

"there are many women, cis and trans, who do not have uteruses. who are not birthing persons. who do not menstruate. think about it. clear, inclusive language is a win for everyone."
Hope DeSantis and Rufo do something about the firing. If they can't protect professors like this their actions against DEI are going to prove to be ineffectual.
Not new about illegals in general. Biden has let illegals in with only a NTA
BUT that there are so many Chinese is New and frightening
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Good thing those Baristas aren't in medicine or firefighting or police work.
I had to go back to see if that was the Bee or not.
The complaint about not being able to hold another job might make sense. The other stuff, uh no.
Good thing those Baristas aren't in medicine or firefighting or police work.
I had to go back to see if that was the Bee or not.
The complaint about not being able to hold another job might make sense. The other stuff, uh no.
Who cares? I am judging it. I am in a position to do so. Again, I agree with her points just clean up the language.
HIC, I think you are missing the context. Cussing is on-brand for the Young Turks. If she didn’t cuss, she wouldn’t be a Young Turk - that’s their schtick.
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These schools are going to be in for a massive shock when affirmative action gets struck down.

When I had gastrointestinal issues about a decade ago, my GP sent me to an Eastern European GI specialist. I felt he knew his **** from day one. We worked through all the possibilities before deciding it was the gall bladder at fault (it was). My surgeon was Eastern European as well. Names were Kvapil and Turcinovic (sp?). Go with Eastern European names if you had to rely on one thing.
Asians get so massively hosed. I don't think there has ever been a demographic that voted so heavily against their interests. They vote to institutionalise race discrimination against them and effectively vote to legalize assault and theft against them.


My takeaway is that time itself is racist. Only whites should have to follow time-based schedules. Minorities could go at their own pace. For example, a white guy works eight hours and is paid hourly so pay him for eight hours of work. A black woman works two hours and is paid hourly so pay her for eight hours of work.

Women don't like getting punched in the testicles. :confused:

I don't blame them, but lucky for them, it will never happen.

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