Post Left Wing looniness here

Re: Defund the Police

This was a Liberal construct all the way and the City of Austin breathlessly and stupidly embraced it completely. Now look at today's article in KVUE.COM:

Austin, Texas officials to discuss 'Keeping Austin Safe' plan |


This is a stunning repudiation of what ALL CONSERVATIVES knew what would happen and the Liberal response will be to quadruple down on their vile arrogance. It's beyond sick.
"You can support the transgender community without doing this ****."

No you can't as the comments to her tweet show.

"this notion that the mere existence of trans-inclusive terms (rarely used in casual convos) somehow degrades women comes right out of the right's anti-trans 'war on women' playbook."

"there are many women, cis and trans, who do not have uteruses. who are not birthing persons. who do not menstruate. think about it. clear, inclusive language is a win for everyone."

These arrogant stubborn responses are signs of delusion AND it puts this woman down as being brainwashed and unable to think for herself. That is the intellectual arrogance on the part of these posters. You can't even explain it to rational people. They are obsessed with being seen as normal on the bell curve as everyone else. An outlier does not need to be included as normal. We can be understanding and kind but do not need to change everything to accommodate them.

It's the same with the term Latinx. The x is there because gender identification (Latino or Latina) IS BAKED INTO THE ENTIRE LANGUAGE. They want to completely deconstruct it for outliers.
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Re: Defund the Police

This was a Liberal construct all the way and the City of Austin breathlessly and stupidly embraced it completely. Now look at today's article in KVUE.COM:

Austin, Texas officials to discuss 'Keeping Austin Safe' plan |


This is a stunning repudiation of what ALL CONSERVATIVES knew what would happen and the Liberal response will be to quadruple down on their vile arrogance. It's beyond sick.

Yup. Libs can't learn from their mistakes or take accountability. Police Chief Manley was hailed a hero for dealing with the bomber in 2018 then voted a unanimous non-confidence by city council in 2020. Yup he really changed in those two years - not the stupidity of city council for falling for BLM. :rolleyes1:
Last edited: that the current school shooter is a twanz doping on testosterone before killing kids, the left is more up in arms about pronouns than the delusional shooter being a delusional shooter.
Did you read the Liberal responses? They have no mercy. They say no agenda and show pics of how men dressed in the 80's (an unfortunate decade for fashion) and long ago (wigs and such).

Yeah, I was a young boy in the '80s. You would have gotten beat up for wearing stuff like that.

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