Post a useless factoid about yourself

When Purple Haze was first released, as a young teen, I thought Jimi Hendrix was singing "excuse me while I kiss this guy". I thought it kind of strange because he was not gay, but I thought it was just part of a drug induced song or something... later, I was "corrected" about the actual lyrics.
As a youngster, I mistakenly heard those classic Eagles lines of "life in the fast lane" "flyin the bat plane".

Sang it like that for quite some time.......
when growing up I was a tomboy played sports and such so my brother and his friends taught me how to swallow/suck in air and burp. it's quite a talent
I just had a bit part in tonight's episode of "Friday Night Lights". I got to toss Coach Taylor (played by Kyle Chandler)out of a playoff game.

It was much fun.
back in 1985 I was workng in the mens dept. at Bealls in North Cross Mall and I sold Bob Saget a neck tie. he wore it on a Rodney Dangerfield Special.
I'll give u a useless factoid:

Animals at our house include:

1 Jack Russell Terrier - Rascal
4 various cats - Tiger, Milo, George & Lulu
1 Hedgehog - Sonic
Some fish in a tank, all without names
1 husband - WorsterMan
I was almost killed by a fish. This was about 40 years ago.
I was surfing in Galveston, and just sitting up on the surfboard out by the end of a jetty one day, when a jumping fish slammed into the side of my face. This was a fish that weighed a few pounds, and felt like someone punched me with a heavyweight jab, and I felt slightly woozy. I realized I almost was knocked cold, and since I was out in the muddy Gulf of Mexico, that wouldn't have been a good place to get knocked out, and an inelegant way to go down for the count, although somewhat out of the ordinary.
I faked out a shark while surfing off Daytona. I was out on a sand bar and hopped onto my raft. A couple of seconds later I notice a dorsal and tail fin circling my raft at about one foot. The shark was probably going to snack on my leg when I hopped on the raft. It was about an eight foot black tip based on what i saw. I will never forget looking towards shore and seeing my grandfather staring at the situation. I think I set a world record in getting to shore but somebody called the ambulance and everyone else. There was a lot of sirens showing up and lifeguards getting everyone out of the water with bullhorns. Some idiot came up and told me it was a dolphin. I told him he was free to go swimming if he wanted to. And all this was before Jaws..
Darrel Royal called me a man one night at Memorial Stadium. He was walking to his burnt orange Cadillac from Belmont and looked at me and a friend and said, "How are you men, tonight?"

It was my rite of passage. Thanks Coach Royal!
Not only was I a district champion high jumper, I was an all-district (2nd Team) offensive guard. This was in Houston 5A in 97. I have yet to meet anyone who can claim the same feat!

Do you think I can throw this football over them mountains???
I think the fish that hit me was a mullet, if that is a real species.
I also had a scary encounter with what I thought was a shark. Again, sitting pretty far out in the water, waiting for a wave, and two large fins come up out of the water, a few feet apart. Scared me silly-I jumped up and tried to keep my feet balanced out of the water, and remove my heart from my throat, when they came up again-I was able to see they were two dolphins that time.
I fell out of the back of a truck and landed on my head. Knocked me out but no lingering effects.
I fell out of the back of a truck and landed on my head. Knocked me out but no lingering effects.

Since pop stars champion the truth, Madonna says you can absorb vitamins peeing in the shower. Aim for your feet.
In high school, I assaulted the opposing teams basketball coach.

With no time left on the clock, I was at the free throw line and could have won the game but I missed. While walking back to the bench before overtime - he whispered to me, "choke".
The refs and my coach had to pry me off of him.
He was 6'8 - I'm 5'8

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