Post a useless factoid about yourself

I'm a guitarist...or was.... and out of habit, i keep the fingernails on my right hand longer than the left for picking....I haven't played my guitars in a long time though.

All of the closets in my house have their own, specific, color of hanger and none of them can be intermingled. Most importantly: NO WIRE HANGERS!
I've seen the Big Lebowski probably about 15 times, but have NEVER seen the last 20 minutes--
I've either fallen asleep, passed out, had to go somewhere, etc.
It is a pain in the ***...

but being 23 and tall has A LOT of advantages...meeting women I don't even have to do any work

but yes I hit my head quite often
Yeah, I'm 6'9" also, hence my earlier factoids. When standing up and walking to the bar is often all the effort necessary to hook up, it makes it a lot easier.

Another factoid is that a lot of girls' moms like tall guys, too. I'm just sayin'.

Good times.
dude u are so right

my friend is 7'0 too so it definitely helps

It's a beautiful thing being 24 and tall and not grotesque.

the only thing that is annoying is drunk guys at bars, but also its fun to tap on people shoulders at a crowded bar and say move, then they turn around and are like holy ****.

Markie is a hottie...She and Harry are tight.

I was hoping to hook up with Bull....I'm 5'9. But Harry worked.
After drinking massive amounts of single malt scotch after a UT victory, I hit a bullseye dead center on a dart board from over 40 ft. away.
It was about 3 AM...My friend just handed me the dart, and I let it fly. We quietly set the scotch down and crashed for the night.
Couldn't follow that act.
Speaking of hitting a bullseye. In grad school they had a charity dunking booth with professors. The prof I was a grad assistant under was sitting in it and somehow I found a loose softball and hit the bullseye from across the street. The prof is probably still wondering what happened since he never saw it coming.
I used to play golf and chill with Mookie Blaylock when he was a member at a course I worked at in high school. Dude was cool. We once came up to him with a basketball and a Sharpie and asked if he could get us Kenny Anderson's autograph. He then offered to take me to Sugar's.

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