Post a useless factoid about yourself

Here's another. In my family, middle names are generational. So, me, my siblings and twenty first cousins have the same middle name.
I spend a lot of time in my car so I listen to a lot of of audio books to make good use of the time. But when I refer to these books in conversation, I always say "I read... " these books because it sounds weird to say "I listened to... " them. I read a lot too but I always feel a tad deceitful.
why are there so many tall dudes on here? i love tall dudes....

all of the factoids about me are useless. it's too hard to pick just one. But, I did used to watch Night Court all the time when I was like 8. Around that time, I also liked to watch the Home Shopping Network to fall asleep at night.
I have the autographs of James Street and Major Applewhite. I just missed getting the autograph of Steve Worster a few years ago.
oh, and my skin is also really acidic or something. It eats holes in my clothes, eats bandaids, etc. But, I don't sweat much, unless I get stressed, then there's no stopping it.
My 2 sisters and I all have the same initials. I love football. My Dad used to call me his middle linebacker, probably b/c he wanted boys and got 3 girls instead. I've had sex with both sexes. I like all food except liver and lima beans. I've never gotten into a fight. I have autographs from Mack, Major, David Thomas, Michael Huff, Matt Melton, and all the other coaches and staff. I'll try anything once.
i have a birthmark in the middle of my chest that looks like a nipple.
I count the syllables of words when people are talking.

It sometimes looks like I am tapping my fingers, but I'm really counting the syllables of the words they are using.
I'm 5'9, just turned 30, and still can't really grow a beard that doesn't have flecs of blonde in it.

I closed down a bar drinking absinthe (not the real ****), in Cadiz, Spain with Sergio Garcia during Carnival when I was 24.

I played mediocre baseball at a university in the SEC that's renowned for it's women and partying, but is now a hell of a baseball school.

I feed catfood to a possum who lives under my porch, and he's not scared of me, in fact, I've named him Cowalski.

My girlfriend turned me on to Aveda(sp), for my face and hands, and I really like it.
I lit up (8 points, 2 boards, 1 assist) a guy who played basketball against Jerry Stackhouse in high school.

I still have a metal brace behind my bottom teeth. I just never had it taken out.

This one isn't true, but the chipped tooth post got me thinking of this. Hank from the Larry Sanders show chipped his tooth on a urinal. It was his back tooth.

veggieboy, that really is weird.
I scored the 99th & 100th point for my high school basketball team back in 1975. Those were the only two points I ever scored. It was (and still is) the only time the school team scored 100 points in a game.

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