PETA just showed up...

I am impressed by all of you! :smile1: We can disagree and not degrade to tirades and just explain things out as many times as it takes. ShAArk92 lives in West Texas and has been around a lot of livestock in his years. Not everyone agrees with him or me. But he does know his livestock. I've got a Silver Spur brother and I know past Bevo's can get agitated but compared to a few Brahmas Bulls I have encountered Longhorns are much tamer. Anyway, the UGA staff hopefully learned there lesson and PETA will go away eventually. Another issue will come to the forefront. We have a brotherhood here. We don't all have to agree. Many websites are NOT like this in my experience. It's a good thing.

Not going to the mattresses on this but this goes back to the "find the defendant as they are." How do we get the message out not to bring your animal around Bevo? I suppose the publicity is helping in that regard.

I don't think WE do. I think making guidelines for all live mascots is cool. I think it's common sense for most animal owners not to ignorantly mix animals who don't know each other, ESPECIALLY if they are difficult to control.

And if PETA came out and asked for reasonable guidelines for college mascots, and the NCAA agreed to keep live mascots separated, instead of the extreme "do away with them!" knee jerk, you'd see reasonable responses.
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I haven’t read each post closely but in case it wasn’t posted: the barricades are to keep people away from Bevo, not the other way around.