PETA just showed up...

You’re kidding right?

I have a freezer full of Longhorn beef right now ... and ... what do you think those cattle drives which built Texas actually did?

Texas Longhorn beef is excellent when properly processed ... like other lean meat. Those who’ve only had venison which rode atop a pickup hood for 3 hours in the Texas winter of 75 degree plus temps ... that’s not gonna be any count either.

My ribeye is as good as anything you’ll eat at Ruth Chris. Promise.

And ... it’s healthier.

Just saw this. I’ll try longhorn beef. I like the taste test idea. I have audad, bison, and venison you can try and I’ll try longhorn beef. We should have a hornfans get together anyway. I almost bought a place that had a herd of longhorns on it, but the owner and I never discussed me continuing the cattle operation. I’m a hunter. So I did not want any cattle.
This was an unfortunate incident whereby demonstrated ignorance and lacking understanding of livestock exhibition was manifested.

Concerning personal injuries, a lawyer friend of mine once said, "You find the defendant as they are" meaning for instance the standard for safety is not reserved solely for the athletic or nimble afoot. You are saying the general public (and those with sideline access) must understand livestock. I don't think that would fly in court had that woman been gored.

I wonder why you defend a possible severe injury but are upset about words on Sam's wrist.

I'm not taking PETA's position. I'm taking the position that they lucked out and need to be more pro-active in preventing a similar incident. I was a lifeguard long ago and part of my method was to talk to children when they came to the pool about not running on the deck. I would identify all possible problems and try to anticipate all the possibilities. Maybe someone should have talked to the Georgia folks ahead of time about it.

Managing a large steer knowing the environment is raucous and possibly difficult to contain shouldn't rely upon knowledge of livestock by the many people who stop by to say hello. Frankly, Bevo has been around quite a few people at games over the years. It may be everyone was lulled to sleep and assumed he was used to the commotion.
I am saying the sugar bowl, The University and all deep pocket players have ensured that all with access to the live mascots have been apprised in their sideline creds. The stock shows do this with large print signs about the risk one assumes.

I’m not saying the public needs to be aware of animal husbandry or training. Stop being silly.

You are advocating increased liability to a situation where this is already addressed.

I’m not a lawyer but I hired one to educate me on my liability for participating in such events. No disrespect to my guy, but I expect The University’s staff attorneys are at least as competent as my contracted guy.

This is irrelevant to the expectations of my alma maters representative behavior. More distraction. I expected more from you.
I'm just quizzing your position. I don't consider it to be silly. I like to contrast positions on different matters and see if there is a connection in the way you think. That's why I brought up Sam's wrist-band. It was words versus a possible severe injury. Anyway, I'm not a PETA fan and I hope there are no more incidents involving Bevo. I'm not in favor of removing him from the field. I am only encouraging a little tighter environment around him. That's it...
The way I think?

I’ve not sought to deceive or distract. My thoughts are pretty clear ... noting my occasional limitation to fully transmit.

The Spurs have plenty of experience in handling Bevo in these events. They aren’t perfect and the endemnificarion is in place for those who’d seek to extract rather than participate/spectate in a unique event.

My objection to Sams wristband is based in an expectation of behavior for an ambassador/representative. I don’t think/feel/believe that expectation is beyond reason.

I’m not expecting a Sunday school lesson from a player, but I’d think there’d be more class than to include that sort of language as “standard” for the person representing.
If as it looked the Spurs did not know a horde with the dog in a cart was going to run toward him HOW could they have had a tighter environment?
The way I think?

I’ve not sought to deceive or distract. My thoughts are pretty clear ... noting my occasional limitation to fully transmit.

The Spurs have plenty of experience in handling Bevo in these events. They aren’t perfect and the endemnificarion is in place for those who’d seek to extract rather than participate/spectate in a unique event.

My objection to Sams wristband is based in an expectation of behavior for an ambassador/representative. I don’t think/feel/believe that expectation is beyond reason.

I’m not expecting a Sunday school lesson from a player, but I’d think there’d be more class than to include that sort of language as “standard” for the person representing.

I only used the phrase, "... the way you think" to describe how you think. It wasn't intended to stipulate that you don't think clearly or straight. It was a stock phrase; that's all.

I suppose the Zach Smith tweets were very upsetting to everyone on the inside. Class is always preferable. But it's football and I would think there's a lot more that the refs and sideline personnel could tell us about what is said and done on the field.

Place the blame where it belongs - the idiots in the media, specifically with ESPN.

The HLSR puts 2.6 million people through the turnstiles in three weeks. Most walk through "the barn" close enough to pet BULLS, which are far more difficult to control than steers. Over 98% of those visitors don't know **** about farm animals. They have to endure narrow aisles, strollers, gators (6 wheel kind), and tractors. I am one of the few that understands that the cattle do not like wheels; hence, if I'm on a tractor in an aisle and someone is trying to move animals, I'll turn of my lights (there for ignorant humans who don't notice a fairly large John Deere) and cut the engine off.

OKC, Denver, Fort Worth, San Antonio, & HLSR have stringent rules about NO DOGS allowed in the buildings!

ESPN's stunt could have gotten someone seriously injured. Leaking it out & inviting media only made it worse.

The company that manages the SuperDome knows cattle very well; hence, I doubt ESPN's stunt was known to them.

BTW, Bevo lives in a pasture, and as for his numerous appearances, this is XV's second year.
It's not like somebody threw a fire-cracker in his pen. My comments are strictly intended to possibly empower UT to insist on tighter control around Bevo. If ESPN forced the animal meet and greet then next time the Longhorn representatives will know what to say and do.
It's not like somebody threw a fire-cracker in his pen. My comments are strictly intended to possibly empower UT to insist on tighter control around Bevo. If ESPN forced the animal meet and greet then next time the Longhorn representatives will know what to say and do.
Better watch your 6. The "it's not a pen" police are hot on your trail.
Yes ... tighter controls until someone doesn’t abide.

It happens. See a small town parade ... or a big venue like opening ceremonies for the HLSR ... or FWSSR.
Yes ... tighter controls until someone doesn’t abide.

It happens. See a small town parade ... or a big venue like opening ceremonies for the HLSR ... or FWSSR.

Now we know the possibilities... I guess it's like a 100-year flood plain until year 101...
I guess it's like a 100-year flood plain until year 101...

no .. it'd be like moving the flood plain.

What I meant was ... the person not abiding by the rule would be someone not associated with The University ...

just like what happened with this incident.

Kicker is ... someone who's closest association with Bevo's being a $10K oil painting of him in his Tower office probably put pressure on the Spurs/Baker to allow this proximity. I'm pretty sure the Spurs/Bakers wouldn't have invited this "meeting" under those circumstances.
yeah I read that from Silver Spur alum director.

I don't doubt Bevo wanted to be walking ... but he knew the dog was present and probably knew where the dog was when he "busted out," too

That's just cover for the whineys inability to restrain themselves from something about which they have absolutely no knowledge but doesn't prevent them from organizing, lobbying and protesting.
yeah I read that from Silver Spur alum director.

I don't doubt Bevo wanted to be walking ... but he knew the dog was present and probably knew where the dog was when he "busted out," too

That's just cover for the whineys inability to restrain themselves from something about which they have absolutely no knowledge but doesn't prevent them from organizing, lobbying and protesting.

I get that people head for the hills when something bad happens on their watch. If I were a Silver Spur I'd probably not want other animals around. But I don't know the history of this Bevo and if two years is all he's been on the job (did you point that out?) then maybe there was too much trust that Bevo was going to react passively to any situation. One of the handlers had been on the job though for twenty one years right (again, did you point that out?). Seems like he's seen quite a bit and would have a feel for it, but a "newish" Bevo is still learning.
It's not like somebody threw a fire-cracker in his pen. My comments are strictly intended to possibly empower UT to insist on tighter control around Bevo. If ESPN forced the animal meet and greet then next time the Longhorn representatives will know what to say and do.

i don't think you've been unreasonable. but i do think people are surprised that you've put the onus on our school when it was georgia reps and the georgia mascot that upset the apple cart.

it's good for EVERYONE to be careful. but i thought the "as they are" quote was funny in this instance, because that's exactly what happened. Bevo is in his enclosure "standing where they are" and photographers and uga peeps and a bulldog comes into his space. they were ignorant. they created a situation.

it seems reasonable to say the follow up to this is, "hey mascot people...don't bring your live mascot close to another live mascot."

that's all.
Bevo is still learning.

Sunrise Spur became Bevo XV during Charlie Strong's first year. He was 2 (comin 3 IIRC) ... yes, very young.

I don't think they attempted the dry ice trick until Charlie's last year, though ... don't "quote" me on that.

We keep having to address "this Bevo." There's nothing wrong with Bevo XV as our mascot. In fact, he's probably one of the most docile we've had ... who isn't 15 years old. Sunrise Studley (XIV) ... was a stud, but fell to cancer!

So it goes.

@X Misn Tx said it ... and I've said it ... "don't bring your live mascots near Bevo."

It's pretty simple. I've even asked about the travel ... because it's a big deal for our show stock ... and I've never tried to make a run to San Diego or Pasadena from Central Texas before. They made arrangements and it took 'em 3 days to get out there and another 3 to get back.

New Orleans was probably a one-day drive and the Spurs no doubt arrived the day prior, putting Bevo in an undisclosed barn before retrieving him that afternoon/evening.

They are creatures of habit ... and the other part of this is ... bedding-down in the evening ... not "just getting started." It's not "undoable," we've done shows until midnight ... but consideration has to be made and I'm confident the Spurs took all those considerations ...

The UGA folks clearly disregarded. That cannot be overstated.
The UGA folks clearly disregarded.

Not going to the mattresses on this but this goes back to the "find the defendant as they are." How do we get the message out not to bring your animal around Bevo? I suppose the publicity is helping in that regard.
I'm pretty certain that message is in the sideline creds agreement each person signs to get their lanyard/ID. It may be fine print, but it's there. And I'm very certain the venue was apprised of the needs/restrictions for Bevo.

So ... we return to the court of public opinion ... where most people are completely ignorant, but still offer the uninformed opinion.
I'm pretty certain that message is in the sideline creds agreement each person signs to get their lanyard/ID. It may be fine print, but it's there. And I'm very certain the venue was apprised of the needs/restrictions for Bevo.

So ... we return to the court of public opinion ... where most people are completely ignorant, but still offer the uninformed opinion.

Thanks for the insult. I'll leave this thread on that.
Thanks for the insult. I'll leave this thread on that.

Sorry you took it as an insult ... you were addressing the "threat" of public opinion ... so was I ... those with almost zero knowledge, but would "organize, protest, etc"

But if you finally recognize what you're pushing isn't true from the institutional standpoint and the propriety of keeping Bevo on the sidelines ... well, we're making progress even if you feel like you need to leave the thread. I made a similar statement earlier in the thread btw. So I don't know why you're taking it this way now.