PETA just showed up...

PETA....what a worthless group of people.

Ah Joe,

Not so fast my friend... the real PETA group are simply misunderstood tree huggers.:lmao:

My PETA organization is all about People Enjoying Tasty Animals!

So, how do you like your steak grilled?
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Bottom-line, they lost control of Bevo. They need to fix that.

You fix that by not being stupid.

Let’s take a kanine over to a bovine. Brilliant!

Bevo walks through dry ice smoke for crying out loud.

C H I L L.

Cattle do not like going where they cannot see, halter broke or otherwise. This Anchor T Steer follows the tradition of a quintessential Texas Longhorn.

Let’s not feed the hysteria about a raging Texas Longhorn ... a real one. The renditions on a T-Shirt is one thing, but these animals are not “killers.” Some of ‘em don’t react well to being penned/pressured and they can jump a pen like a deer does a fence ... but it’s not a natural instinct to “just go wild.”

... unless you’re a coyote ... or apparently a bulldog.

5 year old girls lead these animals, set these animals, fit these animals ... show these animals ... Steers just like Bevo ... not just 6 month old calves.

Nope ... it was the idiot UGA handlers at fault here.
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Buffalo and Elk are two of the best eating wild game meats.
Longhorn, I've never heard of anyone eating that.
I've never heard of anyone eating that.

You’re kidding right?

I have a freezer full of Longhorn beef right now ... and ... what do you think those cattle drives which built Texas actually did?

Texas Longhorn beef is excellent when properly processed ... like other lean meat. Those who’ve only had venison which rode atop a pickup hood for 3 hours in the Texas winter of 75 degree plus temps ... that’s not gonna be any count either.

My ribeye is as good as anything you’ll eat at Ruth Chris. Promise.

And ... it’s healthier.
Welp ... next time you’re in Erath County ... send me a message (couple days out would be great)

You won’t get a better burger, either. Our local Ag teacher will vouch for that.
@X Misn Tx

I can’t wait for this rebuttal.

My post with which you disagreed wasn’t written wearing Burnt Orange glasses ... but with over 10 years of breeding, showing, selling, and slaughtering Registered Texas Longhorns.

I won’t suppose to be the final authority on all things Texas Longhorn and there are always exceptions to any rule (crazy eye’d cattle) ... but I’m content with my post and the experience from which it is shared.
Let's see... why don't we go find the one animal bed specifically to bite Bevo on the nose and not let go, and parade him around the pen for a while and see what happens!

I felt bad for Bevo, since after that they basically had him trussed up with his face into the corner. He's sitting there thinking "I can't believe this. I just saved an entire stadium of people from a clearly dangerous animal, and I'M the one in time out???"
Uh ShAArk
Not that I doubt you but
A taste test seems in order

I suggest a Spring Game HF tailgate TASTE TEST to settle this!!

Hosted by Dionysus, VolHorn4Life, BevoJoe, El Sapo, Worsterman.

ShAArk92 can be the grill meister if he is willing.

JoeFan can talk recruiting and SabreHorn can talk Horn history and inside stories, if they can work it into their social schedules.

We can figure out the details later.

As customary after the game, "refreshments & enterainment" at VolHorn4Lifes Executive Hill Country Ranch & Bordello!

Anyone interested PM me or Dion....
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Pretty risky!

IDK if I can produce enough for the demand this will generate.

But I’ll put it into the bidding till ... If I can attend the Orange/White game this year, it’s ON.
Maybe the Horns will get to play Wisconsin sometime; I know they're the badgers, not the HONEY badgers, but Bevo might have a time with one of those...

@X Misn Tx

I can’t wait for this rebuttal.

My post with which you disagreed wasn’t written wearing Burnt Orange glasses ... but with over 10 years of breeding, showing, selling, and slaughtering Registered Texas Longhorns.

I won’t suppose to be the final authority on all things Texas Longhorn and there are always exceptions to any rule (crazy eye’d cattle) ... but I’m content with my post and the experience from which it is shared.
I think you said me because I accidentally disagreed with you on my phone. If you see my earlier post, you'll see I actually agree with you Sorry

Drinking a Rusty Nail while watching TV with my wife and posting on my phone... My bad. Lol
Met a guy last week and I don't remember how we got on the topic of Bulldogs but he was telling me this exact same story...that Bulldogs were bred to bring down cattle and especially unruly bulls using their short snouts and angled teeth they would grab hold of the bulls nose and flip them to the ground. Their short, stocky build allowed them leverage on the bull.

From Wikipedia:
Bulldogs in the beginning. ... Over the course of 350 years, until bull-baiting was banned in 1835, bulldogs were bred for aggression, and an 80-pound dog could easily bring down a bull weighing close to a ton by corkscrewing its own body around its neck, tossing the bull over its own center of gravity.

Perhaps Bevo XV knew this instinctively and decided to be proactive about it.

ps. that bulldog ran away quicker than a knight with a couple of coconuts seeking the holy grail. p*ssy.
C'mon should KNOW you cannot STOP a Bevo, you can only hope to CONTAIN a Bevo :bevo::hookem:
I can't resist this repost from the website:
My point about "fixing it" (Bevo doing what he did) is only to acknowledge that "**** happens" and the outcome shouldn't be Bevo losing it. Luckily they controlled him. This is a classic, "All's well that ends well" situation. Sure, the Georgia folks should not have brought the dog over. Did someone tell them that in advance or is that just common sense? I'm not taking up for PETA. I'm taking up for what if that woman in black was gord. If so, what would we be saying now? That's all I'm talking about.
Good ol Rusty. Wasn't he a golden?

Gotta love the sense of humor at SECrant.

Yes, very colorful comments regarding the Sugar Bowl there. Those guys are pretty R rated, whereas HornFans is PG at most... Funny they insult ATM even more than we do, and a lot more graphically. Here is a link to the site for everyone's entertainment: SEC Football