Other Regionals

The mighty Cocks of SC are about to get eliminated by James Madison losing 2-0 in the 9th.

SEMSU is beating piggie 1-0 in the 3rd inning of their elimination game. How funny would that be!
SE Mo now up on Arkansas, 2-0, bottom of 4th, still batting. Gamecast showing runners on 1st and 3rd, no outs, Arkansas apparently making a pitching change.
I'm wondering if we might see a bunch of Regional hosts not make it out of their Regional.
Somebody light a fire under the Dust Bowlers' butts. No single group of fans as worthless or ****** as UConn.

How bad are they? I'd pull for ND against them, much less OU or aTm.
UConn up 6-0 vs the land thieves in the bottom of the 6th. Skip can’t seem to get them over the hump, why do you suppose that is? They were clearly the most consistent team in the Big 12 this season, with 6 conference series sweeps (I don’t remember us ever having that many conference series sweeps), but his teams tend to have trouble in the post-season.
Big XII was as weak as we thought it was. Arky **** their own bed in their regional against KSU and WV was in weak regional, period. Arizona was ranked too high.
KSU and WV will lose the first two games in the supers and the weak *** Big XII will be officially eliminated from the baseball playoffs.

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