In OT, after an exchange of punts, Cincy drives for a potential winning 33 yard field goal but doinks it off the left upright. Denver makes the playoffs with a tie, but Cincy may get the ball back if it can hold Denver on downs. . . They hold. 4th and 9. Cincy gets the ball back with no time outs and a little more than 2 minutes to go. . . First down on completed pass. Ball near midfield at the 2 minute warning. This is one hell of a game.
Another spectacular catch (this one by Cincy) at the 3 yard line. . . .Cincy punches it in for the win. . . . Just in time for the start of the game between the midget and the Rams.
I see Cameron Dicker had a productive day at the office...4/4 each on XP & FG.

Rams messed up by having let him get away. He could have been for them what JTuck has been for so many years with BAL.
The Alamo Bowl had special rules this year. Teams that had been in the Pac 12 last year could be in the bowl this year. Otherwise what would have been the choice from the Pac two? The Bowl has always had a contract between two conferences so yes it matters.
The Alamo Bowl had special rules this year. Teams that had been in the Pac 12 last year could be in the bowl this year. Otherwise what would have been the choice from the Pac two? The Bowl has always had a contract between two conferences so yes it matters.
Probably matters not so much to the hotels and restaurants in the vicinity of Alamodome. Except that whatever liquor revenue they might lose from the BYU fans will be (hopefully) recovered from the CU fans.
Agree on everything except calling Jackie a sacrificial lamb. He was the ring leader.
Jackie took the fall, and well -deserved - but the larger aggy enterprise nor any of the BMDs, not a scratch. Jackie is as guilty as they come, but he was the one and only casualty of that Gold Trans Am era of aggroid football.
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Rod was/is a big Aggie. Provided legal money for academic scholarships. He was caught paying Murray to clean printing presses at his publishing company over on Director's Row in Dallas. NCAA made multiple visits to his office, which was at the end of a long hall running the width of the front of that building. Along that hall are multiple doors into the warehouse. NCAA investigators NEVER opened a door and looked into warehouse. If they had, they would have discovered Rod didn't have any printing presses to clean; he contracted out all his printing.

Rod was banned from Aggie athletics by the NCAA, including season tickets.
Rod was/is a big Aggie. Provided legal money for academic scholarships. He was caught paying Murray to clean printing presses at his publishing company over on Director's Row in Dallas. NCAA made multiple visits to his office, which was at the end of a long hall running the width of the front of that building. Along that hall are multiple doors into the warehouse. NCAA investigators NEVER opened a door and looked into warehouse. If they had, they would have discovered Rod didn't have any printing presses to clean; he contracted out all his printing.

Rod was banned from Aggie athletics by the NCAA, including season tickets.
I stand corrected and am smarter now than when I woke up this morning (not a tough undertaking, BYW). I didn’t know Rod was banned by the NCAA. Thanks for enlightening me, SH!!

Another tidbit from that era:

The lady that did Rod's payroll attended Texas, went to an Aggie game and recognized Murray's name from preparing his paycheck. NCAA had fun with that.

Another lady who did payroll for Big Red Autosports had a similar experience with Rhett Bomar. She also had attended The University of Texas.
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Another tidbit from that era:

The lady that did Rod's payroll attended Texas, went to an Aggie game and recognized Murray's name from preparing his paycheck. NCAA had fun with that.

Another lady who did payroll for Big Red Autosports had a similar experience with Rhett Bomar. She also has attended The University of Texas.

It’s the small things/details that getcha.

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