I can't give you a definitive answer, but remember some involvement with Pete Carroll's antics at USC, but most of the dislike seems to come from his wading through the stench in Knoxville during the Haslam wars & occupation - that was some nasty ****, which I have been led to believe he was not a part of, but got it splashed on him trying to get out of town.
So Lane probably doesn't get free drinks at most establishments in Knoxville, huh?
So Lane probably doesn't get free drinks at most establishments in Knoxville, huh?
The joke around Knoxville was that Lane's wife asked people why everyone hated her husband when they had only been there a few weeks, adding that everywhere she went she saw signs that said "Fire Lane".

Tennessee was not unlike us when Mack arrived - pro Haslam; anti Haslam; anti Haslam, anti Lane, pro fat Phil, etc, etc. 20 different groups. Did Lane help Phat Phil and help oust Haslam. My personal opinion is all that was above Lane's head while all he was doing was trying to get to Tuscaloosa.
Yup. Phat Phil and his minions were afraid that Kiffin would break their rice bowls.
Phat Phil was ******* buddies with the Haslams, who forced Tennessee to take him back as AD. First thing he did was get them banned by the NCAA. While the vast majority of their fans wanted the Haslams gone, they refused to support the way they were ousted; not enough to give up their tickets, but unhappy about the image and wondering if they would ever get a good coach to come there. Seems they got lucky with Hueple (sp).
Cincy can't stop the Redskins' offense. 38-26 at 2 minute warning. Daniels is 21/23 for 254 yards. McLaurin has 4 catches for 100 yards, including the latest TD catch with the defender draped all over him before the ball got there. Unless Cincy has a miracle up its sleeve, they will be 0-3, but they are accustomed to starting the season slowly. . . . Cincy scored with about 40 seconds left, but Washington recovered the onside kick to win the game. Daniels set the all time rookie record for completion percentage in a game.
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I have an announcement to make.

I've been a Cowboys fan since 1982 when I moved there. I moved to Austin in 1994. I found myself rooting against them on Sunday. I was not liking the comeback. I wanted them to lose decisively. Yes. Jerry Jones has crossed the line with me. I am now a man without a country as my only allegiance is to the team playing the Cowboys. I'm throwing in with the mercenaries who can provide me the vicarious pleasure of seeing Jerry's ultimate failure as a football man.

This is a cry for help.

I have an announcement to make.

I've been a Cowboys fan since 1982 when I moved there. I moved to Austin in 1994. I found myself rooting against them on Sunday. I was not liking the comeback. I wanted them to lose decisively. Yes. Jerry Jones has crossed the line with me. I am now a man without a country as my only allegiance is to the team playing the Cowboys. I'm throwing in with the mercenaries who can provide me the vicarious pleasure of seeing Jerry's ultimate failure as a football man.

This is a cry for help.

Welcome to the bandwagon. I've been riding it since about 1995 or so.
The problem is that no matter how bad the Cowboys perform on the field; no matter how much Jones overpays underperforming "can't miss" players, the fact remains that Jones has made more money than anyone from R-kansas (except maybe Sam Walton & John Tyson), plus he has made a fortune with his "how to" process for his fellow owners.

I was a Cowboys fan growing up, plus a short stint with the Oilers because of Earl & Tim, then the Saints because of Drew. I have long since scrapped the NFL for other things. It's on in the background, but don't call and ask me who is playing.

Jones is a brilliant businessman but a horrible football mind.

By, if you ever had the opportunity to sit one on one with Gil Brandt, Tex Schram, Clint Murchison, the anguish of watching Jerry Jones is multiplied exponentially. They, along with Coach Landry were all class, and consider all the innovations they made to the game of football. So, don't look for me to buy you a beer at JerryWorld.
I was a Cowboys fan growing up, plus a short stint with the Oilers because of Earl & Tim, then the Saints because of Drew. I have long since scrapped the NFL for other things. It's on in the background, but don't call and ask me who is playing.
Sounds just like me. I scrapped the NFL when jerry hired Barry.
Sounds just like me. I scrapped the NFL when jerry hired Barry.

Jerry didn't "hire" Barry, but rather Barry bailed Jerry out because no one would take the job. First year was a favor; second year was almost criminal. Personal opinion is that Jerry may still be paying Barry, not that he needs the money. For all else people think about Switzer, he is a brilliant businessman.
Jones is a brilliant businessman but a horrible football mind.
Sabre, you nailed it. The Cowboys will never win a Super Bowl as long as Jerry thinks he's the GM. Jerry wants two things from the Dallas Cowboys - (1) making money (which he does quite nicely) and (2) being the sole face of the franchise. He had a winning ticket when Jimmy was the coach, and Jerry fired Jimmy because he couldn't stand sharing the spotlight with the head coach.
Taking "responsibility" for the "woes" does ZERO good unless he turns over the analysis of talent, as well as the negotiation of contracts. We all made fun of the Herschal Walker trade, which took the Cowboys to Super Bowl wins. Now we make fun of Jerrah for contracts that make it impossible to dump the player to some unsuspecting owner (can you say Haslam, boys and girls). Prescott & Elliott have been as sound an investment as Enron.

Serious question for those in the know - who runs the scouting department and who works there?
For a long time, it's been pretty easy to equate the Texas Longhorns with the Dallas Cowboys, or at least being a fan of each. Lots and lots of money without the success that should come with it. I hope this year we can get some separation from those Dallas dudes.
The problem is that no matter how bad the Cowboys perform on the field; no matter how much Jones overpays underperforming "can't miss" players, the fact remains that Jones has made more money than anyone from R-kansas (except maybe Sam Walton & John Tyson), plus he has made a fortune with his "how to" process for his fellow owners.

I was a Cowboys fan growing up, plus a short stint with the Oilers because of Earl & Tim, then the Saints because of Drew. I have long since scrapped the NFL for other things. It's on in the background, but don't call and ask me who is playing.

Jones is a brilliant businessman but a horrible football mind.

By, if you ever had the opportunity to sit one on one with Gil Brandt, Tex Schram, Clint Murchison, the anguish of watching Jerry Jones is multiplied exponentially. They, along with Coach Landry were all class, and consider all the innovations they made to the game of football. So, don't look for me to buy you a beer at JerryWorld.

You won't have to because I do not intend to step foot inside the stadium. I've never been. I went to quite a few games in Texas Stadium when I lived up there including the game when the Eagles delivered an 11 sack beating of Troy Aikman. That's when I knew he was a man. I believe the Eagles had Reggie White, Jerome Brown (RIP), Clyde Simmons and Seth Joyner.

But I'll take that beer at Scholtz's!

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