Frogs crush Lone Guyland. There will be many guys named "Tony" on the field for this one. Visitors--don't bother trying the pizza, just try the BBQ and Mexican food.
Baylor at #11 Utah

Da Utes. Total beatdown in the trenches. Utes beat up and abuse Baylor on the line of scrimmage. Baylor's never seen "beat up and abuse" like this before.
No, but many of their former players have handed it out to poor, unsuspecting Baptist co-eds.
I hope UTEP kicks the livin you know what out of them and I do not think anyone could knock the Bailor bears around like Sweat and Murphy did.
Wanted to check out MM at Duke so I turned to the game and thought I was watching the wrong game since it looked like a high school game. Turns out it is a temp field for Northwestern...well temporary for the football team.

Using its 2,000-seat soccer/lacrosse stadium as the playing surface and base, Northwestern leadership envisioned a temporary football structure rising from what had previously been a football practice field and a parking lot.

To make that dream a reality, the university enlisted the help of InProduction, a company that constructs temporary seating for Formula 1 races, golf tournaments and for various colleges like Hawai'I and Appalachian State. Perhaps its most famous work is the massive stadium that’s erected every year around the 16th hole at the Waste Management Open golf tournament in Arizona.

800 million New Stadium for Northwestern
Early in the fourth. Philly leads by 5 and is threatening in the red zone to get at least a FG when GB D-back picks off Hurts pass in end zone.
MM really seems to have regressed, but watching the clock management & play calling, he could have improved more carrying a clipboard in Memorial Stadium.
Nice pass by Murphy for the Duke td.
At this game last night with my son. Chilly/breezy as the temporary stadium sits 50 feet off of Lake Michigan.

Don’t know who the owners are of the stadium info systems are, but they certainly aren’t football fans and missed the boat in basic football stats/info. No down/distance anywhere - all the fans were confused the entire game. Game time was a small clock just above 40 second play clock. But, the electronic advertising was prominently displayed for all to see.