With about 2:10 left in the half tonight, SF lined up on a crucial down and started to call signals in a attempt to draw Minn offsides, never intending to run the play until after the break. However, during the two-minute break, the announcers noticed that Minn had lined up (and just stayed there the whole time) with only 8 men on defense. I've seen 10, 12, or even 13 men on the field, but never just 8. Anyway, as the announcers said, if SF had run the play, their odds would have been pretty good.
I said it after our loss to OU, but they had not played anyone and prepared their game plan for months like we did for Bama. They've really played mediocre in almost all of their other games with a week to prepare and if we see them in Dallas for a rematch it will be a different game.