Wow. Baylor’s Thornton takes a short crossing pattern about 80 yards. First and goal. Now TD Baylor.

Thornton is very, very fast. We will have our hands full with him.
Back in Seattle. Dogs force a punt after getting away with some defensive holding. W ball at their own 20. Mid 4th Q. UW 31-28 over Oregon.

Oregon forces a punt. Duck ball.

O into W territory. Some good play fakes and play action. Dogs tackling is also going downhill.

Duck TD

W 31
O 35

5:10 left in the game. Heckuva game.
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Washington inside Oregon territory on probably its last drive of the game. Washington QB takes huge sack. Then false start on Washington. They need a miracle now. Long pass. 4th and three. Time out Oregon with 58 seconds to go.
Even if they win out, Wisconsin doesn’t have the media capital of aOSU or any random one loss SEC team. So barring something truly unexpected, yeah, they’re out of the playoff picture.

But they'll have a win over possible an 11-1 Ohio State if that happens, which will help.
W converts a big 3rd down. Dogs driving in Duck territory.

Sack by O at midfield.

And W jumps / false start. That makes it 3rd and 23 for UW.

Long pass and catch over the middle. Now 4th and 3 for UW. Timeout Oregon. What a game. Well under two minutes. Last drive of the game.

Incomplete pass. Arguably interference but not flagrant enough to draw the flag.

Oregon will win.

The Dogs have been sent to the pound in the PAC 10 race.

Hard fought win by Oregon. However, UW shows some weaknesses in Oregon’s defense. Folks, Oregon is not playoff material even if they run the table.
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Okie State scores on 68 yard run to retake lead early in fourth. Baylor responds with another long pass. Back inside Okie State 30 now.
Shane throws 6th td pass of the game. Only 5 yards this time.
I understand his competition isn’t the same as that found in the Big 12, PAC, Big 10, SEC, or even the ACC. Still, I’d like to see Shane get at least some consideration for the Heisman. At a minimum, he should be in the conversation.

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