Well my house is flooded with sea water, but at least I can watch TCU whip up on OU!
Remember, there's very little that the talking heads say that's not written for them. A team of writers spends the week on various feel good background stories about how the RB is a sharecroppers son or such, funny off topic tales, whatever The Message!!! focus they want this week, etc.
The producer then tells them over the headphones what to talk about, and they flip to that laminated page and read it off. They're as fake as the nightly news readers.
What's shocking is when you see those folks in person after they're made up. Lights for TV are so bright that there's a certain style of make up they're slathered with to avoid looking like they have bags under their eyes, 5 o'clock shadow, vampire white skin, etc., so they end up looking like they used the Tammy Fay Baker make up kit.