Orlando Massacre


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The events of the last 18 hours in Orlando are not ones I can ignore. I am hopeful that you will feel the same. However, this is America, and we can disagree. What makes America great is that so many people can be so wrong about so many different issues and still be allowed to walk around free. Just as an American citizen bought a gun whose purpose was to hunt people, walked into an American business and slaughtered 50 people, (with a body count that is likely to rise). This American citizen had a concealed-carry permit issued in the State of Florida despite two prior FBI investigations into his possible ties to anti-American organizations.

This American citizen was practicing the world's oldest profession, which contrary to popular belief is not prostitution. The world's oldest profession is Selling Hate In The Name Of God. The fact that he likely calls his God, Allah, does not change that fact. Which leads me to the following conclusion: IF YOUR RELIGION IS WORTH KILLING FOR, THEN START WITH YOURSELF. Man up and show real devotion.

The fact that this American citizen chose a gay bar as his target, of course, strikes home to me. Having walked out of a gay bar in my 20's to have a Bible-toting young man swing a baseball bat at my head while calling me a "nigger-loving-******," has not left my memory. There is a lesson that I can share with you, however: if you are going to swing a baseball bat at someone's head, it would be best for you if you connect. Otherwise, a 6'3" "nigger-lovingfaggot" could beat you within an inch of your life. Just saying.

In the past election cycle in Texas, State Senator Dan Patrick was elected Lt. Governor, getting the votes of 2,724,493 Texans. His positions and rhetoric caused the nine largest newspapers in the state to endorse his opponent, a highly qualified Hispanic, Democratic woman. Those familiar with politics in Texas know that doesn't happen. Ever. He got 58% of the votes.

After the American Terrorist Attack in Orlando, my Lt. Governor posted to his Twitter account, about the victims, "You reap what you sow". My guess is he means faggots (whether nigger-loving or not). Make no mistake, the American Terrorist's actions and my Lt. Governor's words come from exactly the same place. They did not come from God, nor did they come from Allah. They came from the hearts of very dark men.I have put in a call to his office in Austin for clarification on his since-deleted post, and I urge each of you to do the same. I ask that you post this on your Facebook and/or other social media account and share as many times as possible. His office number is (512) 463-0001. The number to leave a comment is (512) 463-5342. His email is [email protected].

To be fair, Mr. Patrick is human, just like the rest of us. He has made mistakes, just like the rest of us. Bankruptcy, failure to pay taxes, a suicide attempt, a stint in a substance abuse facility (where I hope he received the same lifesaving help that I did), hiring undocumented workers and the massive obsession he now has over bathrooms, just to name a few.

The mad scramble by those on all sides of the gun issue is in full swing. Perhaps the families of those killed in this American Terrorist Attack, with their grief and loss, can be comforted by the NRA and its like-minded folks, that their children were nothing but collateral damage in defense of the Second Amendment. Hunter's Rights, you know. Because the American Terrorist in Orlando has bagged 50 and counting so far.

But then in it all, the madness, the death, the loss, the blood, the screams, the families who have been broken forever, wow, I guess for everyone...maybe this isn't just a Second Amendment issue. Maybe this is a PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUE. We are losing 33,000 of our fellow Americans a year to gun violence. If this was an illness or a virus, we would be spending trillions annually looking for a cure. One American died of Ebola and when I go to the doctor next week, he is going to ask me, "Have you been out of the country?", but he won't ask me if I have an unloaded gun. But I was always taught "there is no such thing as an unloaded gun." And yes, I am a gun owner.

Simply my thoughts on a bloody Sunday. From one American to another. May your God, whatever you may call Him or Her, bless you and your family, comfort the families and friends of those whose lives have been lost, be merciful in judgement of the victims, keep you and your family safe and to please end this madness.

I don't know what to make of this **** at all. Whether it is "faith" based or mental illness or bigotry/hate/fear/whatever, what takes a person to this horrific extreme?

I'm torn on the gun issue. I own guns but I don't hunt, used to hunt some as a kid with my dad but I didn't much like it. The guns have sat in the closet for years, I don't know why I still have them. I fully understand why people want to have them though for hunting or personal protection.

Would tougher gun laws prevent something like this? I doubt it, but I don't know.
Per the Houston Chronicle

"Lt. Governor Patrick and every Texas is stunned and saddened by the outrageous act of domestic terrorism that has occurred in Orlando," Blakemore said. "... Regarding this morning's scripture posting on social media, be assured that the post was not done in response to last night's tragedy. The post was designed and scheduled last Thursday."

A Bible verse is tweeted from Patrick's account every Sunday at 7 a.m.

Another verse was tweeted from the account 30 minutes later, this time from Psalm 37:39, which reads, "The Salvation of the righteous come from the Lord; He is their stronghold in time of trouble."
Per the Houston Cron
IMO this murdering Islamist was not scrutinized further by the agents with the FBI in the name of political correctness and fear of being called islamaphobes.
With all the red flags in his past there is no way he should have been able to get those weapons last week.
And now you gave some dude at the ACLU blaming Christians for this,I guess he missed that Iman in Orlando calling for gays to be killed.:whiteflag:
I fully understand why people want to have them though for hunting or personal protection.

When was the last time you went hunting with an AR-15? As a gun owner myself, I think the only thing you hunt with that gun is people. Because if you need it to drop a deer, you need a new hobby, cause hunting ain't for you.

When was the last time you went hunting with an AR-15? As a gun owner myself, I think the only thing you hunt with that gun is people. Because if you need it to drop a deer, you need a new hobby, cause hunting ain't for you.

I've seen people hunt/cull javelinas with ARs. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I don't know if you would even call that "unsporting" because they weren't doing it for sport. I also don't buy applying an old definition of sporting to the hunting of animals in modern times. That old definition originated with trophy hunting, which I find dishonorable on every account in our modern world. If someone wants to hunt deer for venison in order to eat and survive, which many people do in some parts of the country, an AR in .300 winmag or .338 with a long barrell would be a very appropriate tool.

Additionally, in the case of a home invasion, an AR15 carbine is the best home defense system in that situation.
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Yelladawgdem, first let me extend my apologies to you for yoru terrible experience years ago.
I agree with you that there is no room for hate in any religion.

Here are my thoughts on the issue...there have been several instances of mass shootings in the US, and after each shooting Americans choose sides and talk about gun control.
I hate to be a pessimist, because I honestly do believe that in the end, good wins over evil.

However, in terms of gun control, that horse left the barn decades ago. There are more guns floating around in the US, heck, the world, than there are people. Bad people will be able to find a gun if they want one. Restricting guns may only make them more dangerous, as bad people will have control of illegal guns and they might turn gun running into something like the drug trade.

Also, with the advent of 3D printers, it is possible for a somewhat savvy tech person to build a gun for themselves. Obviously, that wouldn't have the capacity like the AK-47, but in my opinion, we can't control guns.

I listen to Obama speak of how we are the only nation in the world that has attacks such as this...and I wonder about mass killings recently in Paris, Belgium, and other places. With all due respect, he is wrong. Unfortunately these attacks do happen in other parts of the world, maybe with different means of attack but with the same horrible outcome.
I think if we were able to get rid of every gun, we would just suffer from attacks with car bombs, or suicide vests.

I don't think there is an answer...perhaps more compassion and empathy. It sounds cheesy, I know. But, I read Facebook, or comments on articles and see a nation SO incredibly divided, I think the only way we can come to any solution is to take a beat, listen and try and respect those who don't feel the way that each of us do individually.
I'm not gay, and I haven't walked in your shoes, but I hope you feel as I do, that much progress has been made in the perception of gay people.
I have seen many memes about the hatred of gays in the US, and I read about the treatment of gays in Russia, Iran, and other parts of the world and am stunned and greatly saddened.

I don't like to see people (not talking about you) mocking the USA, or tearing it down.
We have it pretty good here, and if we could begin to have rational conversation, such as yours, every day, on every issue, I think we could make things even better.
I echo your final thoughts, and send them back to you and your family.
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Instead of aiming his anger at Mateen's religious leader, Marcus Robertson, a radical Muslim "cleric" who openly preached hatred for homosexuals, the OP is mad at Dan Patrick! That makes a lot of sense.

The shooter was a radicalized muslim, no matter what his Dad says, who called 911 and said he was doing it for ISIS. Until we start placing the blame where it belongs, there is no hope of ending this madness.
I listen to Obama speak of how we are the only nation in the world that has attacks such as this...and I wonder about mass killings recently in Paris, Belgium, and other places. With all due respect, he is wrong. Unfortunately these attacks do happen in other parts of the world, maybe with different means of attack but with the same horrible outcome.
I think if we were able to get rid of every gun, we would just suffer from attacks with car bombs, or suicide vests.
I think Obama was talking about the frequency of such attacks. The one in Paris was carefully planned and orchestrated by trained terrorists using smuggled weapons. In the US mass shootings, we had relative amateurs using weapons that I could go buy on the way home from work, as could anyone without a criminal record.
To your point Clean a co worker of the killer complained to the security firm's management that Mateen was unstable and made many homophobic and racist statements.
They of course did nothing afraid of being called racist and haters of muslims.

Remember the San Bernardino shooters that people around them thought they were also acting strange but were afraid to say anything.
Yet muslims and leftists are constantly complaining others are targeting muslims but I can't remember when a muslim was killed by a hater let alone 50 . These innocent people were jut trying to enjoy life and had expressed hate toward no one.
Maybe if complaints were actually taking seriously and investigated- well the FBI dropped investigation on mateen even though there seemed to be plenty of red flags - so not sure if investigation could stop people like matteen or the SB shooters.

This does put the Dems and leftists in a pickle for sure. Call for more scrutiny on muslims who hit their radar and risk making the muslims mad or walk away from investigations on people that end up committing horrific acts that end in death for gays ( and there will be more) and anger the LBGT community. I know which most people would support.
Until we start placing the blame where it belongs, there is no hope of ending this madness.
I'm afraid there is no hope of ending this madness, period. We all want it to stop, but we'll never agree on why they happen or what to do about it.
This is just the new normal in America. We talk about it for a while, then wait for the next one.
Interesting piece announcing why he will now vote for Trump by a person who calls himself a gay activist. In it he addresses what he sees as the Dems deciding courting the muslims is more important than caring about and protecting "queer" lives.
He also makes the point that Trump has never made any slurs against gay.
It is am amazing opinion piece, you feel the pain and sadness.
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Interesting piece announcing why he will now vote for Trump by a person who calls himself a gay activist. In it he addresses what he sees as the Dems deciding courting the muslims is more important than caring about and protecting "queer" lives.
He also makes the point that Trump has never made any slurs against gay.
It is am amazing opinion piece, you feel the pain and sadness.
You mean this piece:

agree on why they happen or what to do about it.

I say do a little of everything. Look at what we can reasonably do with gun regulation, mental health, and to combat radical islam. Try to implement something in all areas and then see what works. Instead, we'll probably just do nothing.

The only thing we know doesnt work is the patriot act/ignore the 4th amendment solution which failed yet again and yet this failed strategy is where we are willing to sacrifice our freedom for no security benefits.

It's an event like this that makes me say "who exactly has the NSA been spying on since 9/11? Obviously not the radical islamic terrorist guy."
congo and nigeria have a lot of this kind of thing but it gets less attention because reporters don't like to go there (the hotels are not as good as in Orlando) and the food is not so good and after it is just a bunch africans murdering each other for religious reasons and tribal concerns, etc.

also seems to happen a lot in the middle east.

in the US these weapons are almost always used for peaceful purposes. keeping the feral hogs out of the corn crop, etc.

anybody have any thoughts about the timing of the rise of mass shootings in this country with the beginning of the widespread use of drugs for recreational purposes? The use of pot, LSD, coke, speed, etc has led to a lot of irrational thinking in this country, by me among others, and I wonder if the widespread use has somehow influenced the zeitgeist indirectly. Just a thought. I don't have any solutions.

And I did not use all of those drugs I mentioned back in the day.
yes thank you. That is the correct piece.

On gun laws and scrutiny of suspicious people. Are the guns law adequate if followed? In this particular case it "looks" like the FBI didn't investigate as thoroughly as they should have. IMO they did not , just like the employer with contract to DHS did not for fear of back lash from CAIR and leftists with claims like" The only reason you are profiling Mateen is because he is muslim"
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The Nazis would have had no problems with this. Guy acts suspicious and has contact with radical Muslims? Interrogate him and if the state still as suspicions or if subject is uncooperative, then keep him for a while. Family makes noise? Send his cremated remains to them in a box with his personal effects. In the United States, where we honor rights, ensuring the public safety from radicals is tough. On the positive side, not many of us are incarcerated or incinerated because we irritate somebody with political power.
If we are to assume that the American Orlando Terrorist's religion was the focus of his actions, then we must also assume that the American Oklahoma City Terrorist's Christian religion was also his focus of action.

And I ain't buying it. Neither God nor Allah, guided the dark hearts of these two maniacs.
How can you make that connection? Where in Christian ideology as we know it today does it call for murdering innocent people. Which Christian leaders when OKC happened were calling for the slaughter ? When did McVeigh express that he was killing in the name of God?

OTOH How many Muslims including an Iman in Orlando not only call for murder of gays they daily brutally murder gays all over the world?
If we are to assume that the American Orlando Terrorist's religion was the focus of his actions, then we must also assume that the American Oklahoma City Terrorist's Christian religion was also his focus of action.

And I ain't buying it. Neither God nor Allah, guided the dark hearts of these two maniacs.
But what if there was a network of ministers or other religious leaders doing the calling?
But what if there was a network of ministers or other religious leaders doing the calling?

As in the "700 Club" etc? It was Orlando that Pat Robertson was sending a hurricane to not that long ago because of Gay Day at Disney. My people have been under attack for a long time, (the baseball bat swung at my head was 30+ years ago). But make no mistake, the Orlando American Terrorist (you know, born and raised in America unlike, oh say, Ted Cruz, but with a similar level of tolerance), had made the comments to his family were with regard to seeing two men kissing. Neither he, nor dare I say, Tim McViegh, were responding to their various religions. They were responding to good old fashioned hate. And those who sell it.

And kids, I am done with this post. My point was to document my anger, horror, and rage. To give others something to think about. To hopefully lead myself, and others, to redemption. Regardless of what they call their God.

:deadhorse: :usflag:
As in the "700 Club" etc? It was Orlando that Pat Robertson was sending a hurricane to not that long ago because of Gay Day at Disney. My people have been under attack for a long time, (the baseball bat swung at my head was 30+ years ago). But make no mistake, the Orlando American Terrorist (you know, born and raised in America unlike, oh say, Ted Cruz, but with a similar level of tolerance), had made the comments to his family were with regard to seeing two men kissing. Neither he, nor dare I say, Tim McViegh, were responding to their various religions. They were responding to good old fashioned hate. And those who sell it.

And kids, I am done with this post. My point was to document my anger, horror, and rage. To give others something to think about. To hopefully lead myself, and others, to redemption. Regardless of what they call their God.

:deadhorse: :usflag:
I don't think it is intolerance, but respect for free speech. Seems like those who don't believe in free speech are doing the violence, such as those knuckleheads at the Trump rally in San Jose. Some religions are better than others in respecting free speech.
So you throw out some distorted flames to " give others something to think about"and when ideas are posted that you might think about you decide to leave?
Kinda one sided.
But have a nice day:hookem:
The tendency of many to draw similarities between Christianity and Islam, which seems to be derived from the simplistic view that they must be similar because both are called "religions", illustrates a high degree of misunderstanding of the genesis, teachings, and goals of Islam. The term "extremist" used by many also misses the mark.

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