Y'all are missing the point on Biles and her withdrawal.
She has her marks lowered because the judges don't want other gymnasts to attempt the moves she makes because they are so dangerous.
We don't think of it often, but many moves made by gymnasts are potentially life threatening, or, at least, with one wrong move an athlete could break their neck or injure their spinal cord.
Biles screwed up majorly on her vault, on a routine with a very high degree of difficulty. She may have sprained an ankle on her botched landing, but it could have been much, much worse. She already has the pressure of the Olympics on her, and a huge pressure on the gymnastic team. The Russian coach said she was 70% of the team. She is also the only gymnast who was "treated" by Larry Nassar to still be competing, and who knows what memories competitions hold for her.
As great as she is, and most think she is the best gymnast ever, she was very shaken by what could have been. It freaked her out. Think of it as a golfer who gets the yips for no reason, or the baseball player who suddenly can't make a simple throw to first base, or pitch one over the plate. It's a mental situation.
If your mind isn't right, you have no business performing in a potentially dangerous sport. Her teammates ended up rising to the occasion to win the Silver medal, which blows my mind since 2 of the girls had no clue they would perform at all last evening.
It was super disappointing that Biles couldn't perform. I hope she can get her mind right before the individual events. But her best friend on the team doesn't think Biles will be over the mental block and fear of falling or injuring herself.
I'm not trying to be some champion for women's sports, but, I certainly don't think Biles is being a coward in any way. If her brain is telling her she can't do a vault, or any other routine, then she needs to step away before she is seriously injured.
And she was concerned that if she turned in a poor performance it would hurt, not help, her team.
And I am damn proud of that team. One of the girls hadn't even brought her official leotard, but, they almost beat the Russians.