Old UT Photos

My pleasure, thanks! I’ll be scanning a few more this weekend. I hope that 36+ years is “old” enough for this forum. (Not quite the same as that pic of the 1916 UT-Rice game, which is beyond awesome in my view.)

One thing that hasn’t changed much in 50 years (if at all) is Jester Center (the exterior, anyway. Although the room my daughter had in J West in 2016 was identical to the one I had in J East in 1982, LOL. She hated that place.)
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UT Tower in the fall of 1982 (probably after the UT-AT&M game)

Some shots from the hill by the LBJ Library in February 1983




These were shot on Ektachrome on a Minolta SR-T102 (tripod mounted, of course). Existing light photography was a lot more challenging in those days.
A Minolta SRT 102, like this one

In addition to the 50mm f/1.4 Rokkor lens, at that time I had a Minolta Celtic 28mm wide-angle and a Vivitar 75-150mm zoom. And a big-*** Vivitar 283 electronic flash.
While I loved Wally giving the Slippery Rock score and telling Hondo Crouch to go pick his mother up at the Broken Spoke, I think that tradition would lose something with our present announcer trying to add the WWE influence he seems to love.

I would really like to see this tradition of announcing the Slippery Rock scores start up again! And the crowd cheered wildly!! That was great fun stuff.

Slippery Rock scores would be hard to squeeze into the game time experience between the obnoxiously loud rap and other noise coming from Godzilatron or whatever the new South End Zone scoreboard will be called.

Hell, we now hardly hear the The Showband of the Southwest during the game due to the ongoing noise generated.
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That exterior looks ghastly.

Same thought occurred to me when I scanned that slide. The exterior looked much, much better when I took this shot in 1998. Somewhere along the way they decided to slap a few coats of white paint on it. (Perhaps that was in the specs for when TMS became DKR-TMS.) The north scoreboard looks to be larger, too.
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That exterior looks ghastly.

The Men's restroom under the North end zone was from medieval times - bats lived under the stands and pooped everywhere... it was extremely NASTY. AD was about 20-30 years late correcting the South EZ with a new structure.
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These are some pics of the Tower that I shot from the roof of Robert Lee Moore Hall. If memory serves correct, they announced that one night during the week before the UT-Rice game (10/1/83) the Tower would be lit up in the "1" configuration (both as a photo op and perhaps also to work out the kinks). My Minolta was a totally manual camera, so I was pretty much basing my shutter speed on recommendations from my pocket-sized Kodak Photo Guide (and crossing my fingers).



Uh oh, there's an office with the lights out.

Getting artsy-craftsy with the zoom lens.
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Additional proof that there is always the 10% who either don't get it or just ignores. Note the window that should have been on at the bottom of the "1".

Great stuff.

The orange tower with #1 is the best, but that white version is also beautiful. I don’t think I have ever seen that one.
My dorm room in Jester East, #M0219, in the fall of 1983 -

(OK, you're probably wondering why there's a Nebraska poster on the wall, over on the left. There is a very logical explanation for that. At the time, my GF was an Accounting major from Dixon, NE. And this was the season when NU and UT were #1 and #2, respectively, until they weren't. But do you see the orange & white pillow with the T on it? Said GF knitted that for me. Things even out.)
The 1933 campus master plan, designed by French-born architect Paul Cret, then head of the architecture school at the Univ of Pennsylvania. Much of the plan was followed, including the Main Building and Tower, South and West Malls, and Welch, Painter, and Gearing Halls.


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