Old UT Photos

1940s. Not sure if this is the OU game torch rally, or something else:

Here's DX Bible on stage in a suit. Awards banquet or something...?

Actually, I bet he's demonstrating a football technique, even at a formal occasion.

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Here's a planetarium under construction in Battle Hall (then called the "Library Building") in the 1930s. The circles are the orbits of the planets and the machinery moved the planets around the sun. It was eventually dismantled.



The Frank Erwin Center under construction

Frank C. Erwin, Jr. -- certainly in the top 10 of persons who made UT what it is.

His nemesis was Peter T. Flawn. Erwin wanted bigger and more of everything. More students, and especially more buildings. Flawn wanted academic excellence and to make UT the most elite public university in the country. He did not approve of massive expansion. Erwin mostly won out.

Below, the Flawn Academic Center a/k/a the Undergraduate Library, the UGL, or the "ugly."


Peter T. Flawn:
His nemesis was Peter T. Flawn. Erwin wanted bigger and more of everything. More students, and especially more buildings. Flawn wanted academic excellence and to make UT the most elite public university in the country. He did not approve of massive expansion. Erwin mostly won out.

Below, the Flawn Academic Center a/k/a the Undergraduate Library, the UGL, or the "ugly."


Peter T. Flawn:
Always loved the 6th floor study area for Plan II students.

I was going through many old photographs and found this pic of BEVO XII that I snapped at the March 2 Celebration in 1984. (I have no idea as to the identity of the girl or the Silver Spur.)
How George Washington came to the University of Texas

How George Washington came to the University of Texas
Great story. Did anyone else hear the legend behind the inscription "Erected by the Daughters of the American Revolution..." When you look at the statue's left hand on the sword hilt from the East side, just behind it... Could be urban legend, or could be real. Sort of like the Rice architect making the tower look like the owl with a top hat.
Who do you think brought the phrase "spare change" to Austin?

Damn trolley ran us off Congress.

Gordon the paper man always save me a good spot.
Protest in 1970 after the Kent State shootings.

I was there. I wasn’t particularly radical or even political, but most classes were canceled and I didn’t have anything better to do, so I sat on the grass and hung out. I remember hearing economist John Kenneth Galbraith speak. That gathering was pretty peaceful and, well, dull, but in another area of the campus, some students were allegedly tear gassed.
I was there. I wasn’t particularly radical or even political, but most classes were canceled and I didn’t have anything better to do, so I sat on the grass and hung out. I remember hearing economist John Kenneth Galbraith speak. That gathering was pretty peaceful and, well, dull, but in another area of the campus, some students were allegedly tear gassed.
It was about 20K students and the police cooperated well even if there was no permit. Some younger employees of businesses along the route joined spontaneously only to be fired when they returned to work. It was a very emotional and confusing time.
A sunny kick-off for the Texas vs. Rice University game in 1916. Looking south across Clark Field, with the Texas Capitol in the distance.

I've always liked this photo. Based on the uniforms & helmet, this appears to me to be October 1963, Cotton Bowl vs. ou. Horns wore Burnt Orange in '63.

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OK, I just got myself an Epson V600 scanner (which can scan slides in addition to documents and photographs). To try it out I selected a few slides from the March 2 celebration in 1984 and the UT-Tech game on 10/29/83.








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