Old UT Photos

1931: Among the several proposed designs for UT’s Main Building and Tower was this one: shorter, wider, Spanish-themed and capped with a red-tile roof. Looks a little too busy, and I can’t imagine this becoming a UT icon.


Yeah, that design isn't just plainly phallic. It's phallic encased in a ribbed condom.
1902: The auditorium of UT’s Old Main, decked out in red, white, and blue for a Texas Independence Day observance. With 1,500 seats, it was sometimes used for football rallies, though women had to sit and watch upstairs. Yelling at a rally was then considered “unladylike.”


1920: It’s the UT Longhorn Band!! Decked out in bright orange fez hats with white tassels and “Ts” on the front. Look close - there’s a marching bassoon player on the second row, third from right.


1920: It’s the UT Longhorn Band!! Decked out in bright orange fez hats with white tassels and “Ts” on the front. Look close - there’s a marching bassoon player on the second row, third from right.


Now those are some interesting band outfits!

Could they be modeled after bellboys at the hotel for the Shriners convention?

Dion, with your permission, I'll cross-post this photo in the Band and Cheer Stuff thread.
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Now those are some interesting band outfits!

Could they be modeled after bellboys at the hotel for the Shriners convention?

Dion, with your permission, I'll cross-post this photo in the Band and Cheer Stuff thread.
One of the lawyers in our firm (who earned his JD at UT Law and his undergrad at Michigan) complained to me last summer that the LHB uniforms never change and need to be replaced “with something more modern.” I replied that the trim and the fit of the LHB uniforms are changed from time to time (the shape of the Stetsons, switching from string ties to bolo ties, etc.) but most likely they are never going to abandon the western style. I went on to tell him that the LHB uniforms are one of the most iconic and instantly recognized among college bands (the others being USC, tOSU, and possibly Texas Tech). No way the LHB is going to throw that away and go to uniforms that look like Iowa's or Alabama's but with different colors. The LHB is not going to look like all the other bands.
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Folks at Barton Springs pool in Austin, circa 1917. Little did they realize that, 100 years later, folks would still be dipping into those awesome waters to cool off. Actor Robert Redford learned to swim at Barton Springs, by the way.


Some classic UT cheerleader photos:

in the pic from the 1950's is Vincent R. DiNino at the bottom of the pic....Jane Rhodes (a great friend to UT throughout her life....just passed away two Decembers ago....)


If this wasn't such a respectable family-friendly site, I might make a remark about how big her mouth is... But I'll refrain.





UT vs Cal 1961. Picture of the hired nightclub dancer / cheerleaders from this humorous episode below (note the high heels):

To put this in today's context, this would be like if our cheerleaders couldn't make the trip, and some fans hired a bunch of scantily-clad strippers from a local gentlemens club to be our cheerleaders for the game. And at Cal moreover!
1920: It’s the UT Longhorn Band!! Decked out in bright orange fez hats with white tassels and “Ts” on the front. Look close - there’s a marching bassoon player on the second row, third from right.



Wow! I thought he was carrying a rifle, like an honor guard or something similar.
1922: A sunny day on the UT campus, looking up at the ivy-draped old Main Building. Look close — a Model T Ford is parked near the front entrance.

Click the image to enlarge


Below are photos of when we took on the mighty University of Chicago football team (one of the nation's best back then) in 1904 in Chicago:


Coach DX Bible with the Longhorns:
(before DKR, there was Bible--one of our all-time great coaches)


More DX Bible:





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1940s: Dr. Franz Polgar at UT using group hypnosis on football players to convince them they are carrying a heavy load. This has got to be the weirdest training method I've ever heard of--more so than color-of-pee tests even.

To the victor go the spoils...

UT football player Jack Crain with a couple of co-eds by the Littlefield Fountain.


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