OK I'll admit it, TexAgs Can't be real, right?

A good friend from high school was a lifelong aggy fan. He did 4 yrs in the Army with the intent to go there after his hitch was up. He did one semester and quit. He tells some great stories of the weirdness he was met with.
Old Army doesn't think too highly of ***** REAL Army crap.
^^^ yeah, your friend was in the REAL Army. Later at aggy, saw all the useless, sophomoric, "traditional" BS the aggy Corp Turds do.
^^^ yeah, your friend was in the REAL Army. Later at aggy, saw all the useless, sophomoric, "traditional" BS the aggy Corp Turds do.
Yep, and he found that out. This guy was with the 82nd Airborne, he saw action in Somalia and Bosnia. He looked like a bodybuilder, but never lifted a weight to my knowledge. He was just a big ol Jethro Bodine, farm-strong guy. He said one day he cut the corner at the end of a sidewalk and stepped on the grass. Some corps turd started yelling at him and he told the dude to F off. That evening four of them made the mistake of showing up at his apt to talk about 'regulations'. He answered the door shirtless and their tone changed pretty quickly.
Yep, and he found that out. This guy was with the 82nd Airborne, he saw action in Somalia and Bosnia. He looked like a bodybuilder, but never lifted a weight to my knowledge. He was just a big ol Jethro Bodine, farm-strong guy. He said one day he cut the corner at the end of a sidewalk and stepped on the grass. Some corps turd started yelling at him and he told the dude to F off. That evening four of them made the mistake of showing up at his apt to talk about 'regulations'. He answered the door shirtless and their tone changed pretty quickly.
Yep, they are crazy serious about their blades of grass.
"I am not impressed with the brand quality control so far"

Yes that does seem to be a frequent institutional concern