OK I'll admit it, TexAgs Can't be real, right?

I have a cousin named Scott who graduated from aggy in the mid- 70's. Good guy growing up, friends to this day. Succesful businessman.

He was supportive of aggy but never part of the cult. Knew my family was diehard UT but he rarely brought up or discussed much about aggy - UT rivalry if the subject came up. I guess he is what aggy called 2% er? aggy that didn't buy into the cult.
I had a cousin like that as well in the late 80s - I went to UT and he went there, then after a year he told he had to get out as "these people are f*cking nuts" and he transferred back home to U of Washington. He was excited and a little fish-campish when he started but once he got neck deep into it he couldn't get out fast enough. To this day he just shakes his head.
Yes . I had not read all the comments at the ag link so at first I did not know it was a quote. But I didn't think it was something You would say,
It was the Senior milkman all by himself doing the BTHO complete with the leg behind other knee squat
OK, for those of us not watching the weirdness, can either of you elaborate?

Sorry - didn’t want to disturb everybody, it being around lunchtime and all. But, since you asked….

Game Day concludes and the cut-in to the game is a full frontal of the King Goober doing his chanty thing in full whites regalia. He’s mic’d up for full effect and doin’ the weird hand and arm signal incantations so the full world can get a up front and personal home viewing of the madness.

Cut away to the other Deputy Goobers following suit….full on display of “WHAT IN THEE FUNK WAS THAT???!!” that had to rip across the US of A.

Sometimes you just have to see it to believe it…and even then….
One poster made a comment that if Jimbo is retained one more year that it will be tantamount to a lost season next year. Uhh, who wants to tell him that the vast majority of aggy seasons, like 24/25, are lost?
It was the Senior milkman all by himself doing the BTHO complete with the leg behind other knee squat

Can I ask how in the hell this level of oddness actually came to be?

Think about this. You have the following elements:
1. the all white asylum orderly outfit, including a white belt and rolled up sleeves.
2. the strange hand gesture (OK, the old SWC had a thing for hand gestures)
3. why is the left foot hooked behind his right knee?
4. Why does he make the strange noises and yell gibberish like "Sit down bus driver"?

Individually, any of these elements might range from quaint to troubling. Together, they are almost a reason for involuntary commitment.
Out of pure curiosity, how in bloody hell does aTm get by with all male, all white cheerleaders, who practice this wierdness? In the year 2023. Or in 1995 for that matter. And, for extra credit,,, why in God’s name would you want to? Have they ever happened to notice UT cheerleaders or OU or Bama, or the rest of the civilized world? What am I missing? They cant all be that numb brained,,,,surely.
Wonder how many aggy faithful are humped over squeezin’ feeling Jimbo’s pain. He’s definitely not in pain counting all that money.
I do believe aggy looks for any excuse to hump and squeeze. Tradition lives on :coolnana:
Out of pure curiosity, how in bloody hell does aTm get by with all male, all white cheerleaders, who practice this wierdness? In the year 2023. Or in 1995 for that matter. And, for extra credit,,, why in God’s name would you want to? Have they ever happened to notice UT cheerleaders or OU or Bama, or the rest of the civilized world? What am I missing? They cant all be that numb brained,,,,surely.
Never underestimate the power of cult leaders.
They barely got by tcu yesterday, same with Wyoming and UH. tu won't be so lucky next year in the SEC when they keep getting hit in the mouth every week. Some of those close wins will be a L.

Yeah if we only had a way to see how they would have stacked up against a real SEC opponent, like say this year.

My favorite from that Texags thread.
My brother went to A&M for a year, then stepped up to San Antonio Junior College; and stepped up again to UT.
A good friend from high school was a lifelong aggy fan. He did 4 yrs in the Army with the intent to go there after his hitch was up. He did one semester and quit. He tells some great stories of the weirdness he was met with.