for the record…this is the period and dataset about which i claimed the earth's temperatures had been flat.
Hadcrut 3 1997-present
Notice that to call it flat is hardly a stretch at all. does it have a VERY SLIGHT upward trend? yes, it does. but come on…at that trend it would take centuries years to go up 1/10th of a degree.
here is the BEST land based data set for the same period:
that shows a more pronounced trend, but let's face it, that is land only, which leaves out a huge chunk of the world's surface (is it 70%?).
Here is the RSS satellite based data and it shows COOLING:
But to be fair, the UAH Satellite data (run by 2 skeptics) shows warming:
UAH shows warming
but that is about 1/20th (.05) of a degree warming over 15 years which is SIGNIFICANTLY less than the trend of .18 degree per decade. Still, it shows warming.
Finally, we have the GISS (NASA) which shows very mild warming as well (about 1/10th of a degree over 15 years, so still much less than the .18 degrees per decade that has repeatedly been mentioned in this thread).
So if you are keeping score, we have 1 data set that shows cooling, 1 that is indeed virtually flat, and 3 that show warming but at a rate considerably below what was happening in the previous 20 years before this timeframe.