North pole to melt this year?

i didn't think you had been keeping up you proved it!

Preliminary Unofficial Day 248 Race Report
2008 has another big day, remaining about 380K behind 2007.
9 5 2002 5.667188 -0.034375
9 5 2003 6.116406 -0.032344
9 4 2004 5.899531 0.012500
9 5 2005 5.670625 -0.011875
9 5 2006 5.934531 -0.000782
9 5 2007 4.484531 -0.043594
9 4 2008 4.868125 -0.058906
The Zimbabwe Star, MOP?

You know, Robert Mugabe doesn't believe in anthropogenic climate change either. He believes it is an American plot to retard Zimbabwe's economic progresss.

is there some reason i shouldn't believe the Zimbabwe star? seriously....i just don't know.

plus the paper is referencing a study from a university in Colorado. Although, I admit that it is funny (awkward?) that they didn't say which one.......
MOP, let me understand you.

You're saying that because a study suggests that sea-level change due to glacial melt, sea ice melt, and temperature dynamics due to anthropogenic global warming may be less than predicted by some studies, that anthropogenic climate change isn't real?

Do the researchers who conducted the study agree with you that anthropogenic factors in climate change are insignificant?

The Zimbabwe Star?

GT, no....i believe that there is anthropogenic global warming, just not to the extend we are being led to believe. i furthermore believe that the solution is innovation not extreme legislation. i also believe the earth has warmed, whether or not these particular scientists happen to agree with me on the cause of that, their findings are nonetheless relevant because global warming (if it continues) WILL lead to melting of polar caps so this is an important question.

GT, when you ask these lame questions.....are you serious? or do you just keep ignoring my responses? i have answered permutations on these questions many times now.
MOP accuses another poster of being 'repetitive'. That's amazing.

For those of you who are interested in the subject of anthropogenic global warming and want to learn more than you will be able to in MOP's antiscience links, the book reviewed in this link is excellent:
The Link

It's written by real climate scientists (Mike Mann and Lee Kump) neither of whom is a mining safety expert or a youth minister. It explains the findings and predictions in ways that any intelligent individual can understand (sorry MOP).
GT, you ask me the same questions over and over and i answer them over and over, then you ignore my responses and act as if i don't believe the earth has warmed or i am against sound environmental policies. it is like a lesson in how to be obstinate and not listen. as for your ad hominem....that is lame and beneath you, but if you feel the need to stoop to that to make your argument, it is your call. that doesn't mean i have to respect the fallacy though.
Preliminary Unofficial Day 250 Race Report
2008 has a slower day, now about 370K behind 2007.
9 7 2002 5.663281 0.005937
9 7 2003 6.104375 -0.009375
9 6 2004 5.887344 -0.015781
9 7 2005 5.657031 -0.011407
9 7 2006 5.921875 0.003437
9 7 2007 4.436719 -0.010312
9 6 2008 4.803906 -0.021719
Preliminary Unofficial Day 251 Race Report
2008 has a big day, now about 340K behind 2007.
9 8 2002 5.649688 -0.013593
9 8 2003 6.103750 -0.000625
9 7 2004 5.856563 -0.030781
9 8 2005 5.642656 -0.014375
9 8 2006 5.935781 0.013906
9 8 2007 4.413438 -0.023281
9 7 2008 4.751406 -0.056875
Preliminary Unofficial Day 253 Race Report
2008 loses steam, back to about 330K behind 2007.
9 10 2002 5.655156 0.008281
9 10 2003 6.060469 -0.025937
9 9 2004 5.835313 -0.003906
9 10 2005 5.599844 -0.028437
9 10 2006 5.926094 -0.010000
9 10 2007 4.367188 -0.032343
9 9 2008 4.696250 -0.019219
Preliminary Unofficial Day 254 Race Report
2008 loses ground against previous day; now about 370K behind 2007.
9 11 2002 5.674063 0.018907
9 11 2003 6.041250 -0.019219
9 10 2004 5.825000 -0.010313
9 11 2005 5.581875 -0.017969
9 11 2006 5.896719 -0.029375
9 11 2007 4.343438 -0.023750
9 10 2008 4.711250 0.003437
Preliminary Unofficial Day 255 Race Report
2008 gives up more ground against the previous day; now over 400K behind 2007.
9 12 2002 NA NA
9 12 2003 6.105625 0.064375
9 11 2004 5.784688 -0.040312
9 12 2005 5.545000 -0.036875
9 12 2006 5.864219 -0.032500
9 12 2007 4.327969 -0.015469
9 11 2008 4.735781 0.006093
Preliminary Unofficial Day 256 Race Report
2008 has a slow day; now over 420K behind 2007.
9 13 2002 NA NA
9 13 2003 6.180313 0.074688
9 12 2004 5.806719 0.022031
9 13 2005 5.506563 -0.038437
9 13 2006 5.814063 -0.050156
9 13 2007 4.323750 -0.004219
9 12 2008 4.744688 -0.006875
Preliminary Unofficial Day 257 Race Report
2008 has another slow day; now over 440K behind 2007.
9 14 2002 NA NA
9 14 2003 6.146563 -0.033750
9 13 2004 5.854375 0.047656
9 14 2005 5.522344 0.015781
9 14 2006 5.781719 -0.032344
9 14 2007 4.291250 -0.032500
9 13 2008 4.732344 -0.012812
Preliminary Unofficial Day 258 Race Report
2008 slump continues; now over 460K behind 2007.
9 15 2002 NA NA
9 15 2003 6.049844 -0.096719
9 14 2004 5.901094 0.046719
9 15 2005 5.492500 -0.029844
9 15 2006 5.794063 0.012344
9 15 2007 4.267813 -0.023437
9 14 2008 4.731719 -0.010625
Preliminary Unofficial Day 259 Race Report
2008 is on the move, but still over 450K behind 2007.
9 16 2002 NA NA
9 16 2003 6.041875 -0.007969
9 15 2004 5.912188 0.011094
9 16 2005 5.447656 -0.044844
9 16 2006 5.806094 0.012031
9 16 2007 4.267656 -0.000157
9 15 2008 4.719531 -0.025782
Preliminary Unofficial Day 260 Race Report
2008 gains a bit on 2007, but still nearly 450K behind.
9 17 2002 NA NA
9 17 2003 6.033281 -0.008594
9 16 2004 5.882813 -0.029375
9 17 2005 5.422344 -0.025312
9 17 2006 5.828281 0.022187
9 17 2007 4.268750 0.001094
9 16 2008 4.715156 -0.016719
Preliminary Unofficial Day 261 Race Report
2008 gains a bit more on 2007, but still nearly 430K behind.
9 18 2002 NA NA
9 18 2003 6.032031 -0.001250
9 17 2004 5.821250 -0.061563
9 18 2005 5.385156 -0.037188
9 18 2006 5.874063 0.045782
9 18 2007 4.281406 0.012656
9 17 2008 4.710625 -0.015625
Preliminary Unofficial Day 262 Race Report
2008 gains ice, but still closes the gap a bit on 2007; remains nearly 430K behind.
9 19 2002 NA NA
9 19 2003 6.088906 0.056875
9 18 2004 5.809688 -0.011562
9 19 2005 5.368438 -0.016718
9 19 2006 5.892500 0.018437
9 19 2007 4.296250 0.014844
9 18 2008 4.723594 0.005000
This "race" is just about over and there's one thing that should be very clear, the only winner in this race will be companies that want to drill in the Arctic.

That's nice in the short term (10 to 20 years).

Long term, well let's just say that you may not want to invest in any beach front property for your grandkids.
actually Texoz, as the arctic is 400,000 Km ahead of last year at the same time, i would say your claims are as dubious as most claims by global warming alarmists. i would also add that the entire north pole could melt and the earth's oceans wouldn't rise one iota......having said that, Greenland is obviously another matter.....

When it going to sink into that thick skull of yours that comparisons between 2008 Arctic ice and 2007 Artic ice mean nothing. Climate change isn't expected to be linear.

To portray an ecological disaster in terms of an amusement, a race, is jaded beyond description.

texasflag.gif thick skull has acknowledged that many times.....even on this thread. but it i am following it to expose typical alarmist articles like the one that began this thread. somehow it is significant when "this is the worst year ever!!!" but then it becomes insignificant when it does not meet the dire predictions.

as many times as i have explained that or a corollary subject, i am thinking it is you who has a very thick skull.....

Day 263 Extent Report
9/20/2002 5.929105 0.028338
9/20/2003 6.122656 0.033750
9/19/2004 5.808750 -0.000938
9/20/2005 5.345156 -0.023282
9/20/2006 5.846875 -0.045625
9/20/2007 4.310313 0.014063
9/19/2008 4.745000 0.08594
Preliminary Unofficial Day 264 Race Report
9 21 2002 NA NA
9 21 2003 6.085469 -0.037187
9 20 2004 5.818906 0.010156
9 21 2005 5.315625 -0.029531
9 21 2006 5.847656 0.000781
9 21 2007 4.284531 -0.025782
9 20 2008 4.738750 -0.006250
considering that the north pole completely recovered last year and then melted 400,000 km less this year, i think the verdict is still out. add to that the fact that scientists on both sides of the issues are predicting at least 10 more years of cooling while some are saying 20 or 30 years. the north pole should be in good shape in a few more years. i guess we will see what happens. i think this winter will be very interesting. i will post less frequently on this thread as it has proven my point.....namely that the original argument was way overblown and merely a shock piece meant to change people's minds but with no actual accountability (ie where are all of the "good news" articles proclaiming that the original panic pieces were overstated?).

but i will try to weekly give an update on the state of ice in the north pole.

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