it's not difficult to surmise based off writings in the bible. people have studied it for hundreds of years. You just attempted to establish a position, hypocritically, a few posts ago when you responded to NightFlyer (presumably based off the old testament, even though you continue scoff at the bible anyway). We have the bible to help teach us about who we believe to be our God.
This merely reaffirms my point: the confusion, if not delusion, that the Xtian myth text actually, really tells us what God thinks, instead of accepting that compilation of books as a man-made creation depicting social and cultural standards as existed in the mid-east and environs at that time.
In other words, the Xtian myth text does NOT tell us what God thinks. Anymore than any other text does. So, if one really, really thinks that the Xtian myth text DOES tell us what God herself thinks, then I cannot overcome that delusion. It's not necessarily a bad delusion, but one should, at a minimum, intellectually realize the difference between the Xtian myth text and what, or what not, the supreme being thinks.
The above poster, as do many others, apparently equates the XMT (Xtian myth text) with what the supreme being thinks. It is thinking (or lack of thinking) like that that leads us to the fundamentalist, the literalist.
So, let me explain. You don't know what God thinks. I don't know what God thinks. Nobody knows what God thinks. They may think they do. They may say they do. But they are lying, or deluded, or naive. They may parrot back verses from their chosen myth text, but as we've just seen, they are unable to differentiate that text from the actual thoughts of the supreme being (if such a being exists).
Muslims can tell us what God thinks. As can any other devotee. So what? It just gets down to varous groups clucking about their god, how their god is the right one, how they "know" what god wants. You'd think people would figure this out by now.
It takes a massive amount of indoctrination/brainwashing to get people to accept their religious tenets as "fact". And most resent/get defensive when that is pointed out to them. It's like they cannot operate at any level beyond that of a third-grade sunday school class.
I scoff at the notion that you know what God thinks, or likes. It's merely a power play, a political ploy, a naive assertion to support your pre-existing position.