North Carolina Bans Civil Unions

No, because in your quoted text from NEWDOC there was no error. You must feel pretty stupid to be such a cockdaddy about a minor issue, and, wrong.

Anyway, about the substance of his point, had he inserted the word "necessarily" in your quoted text I presume you would have not disagreed with the point.
Just because no error existed doesn't mean I am hung up on it. I really don't give a **** that you're wrong. It actually makes me....what's the gay phrase you've been using...."lol."

Now, proceed talking about the matter like you're worried you may be wrong....
That was strike three, Rex. To your credit, you didn't go down looking, but you did fall down after a rather inartful swing.

Hint: it has to do with "who" vs. "that".

You do seem to stick with your convictions, no matter how wrong you are. At least you got that going for you. On the downside, you don't drink after you've been led to the water. Stubborn? Prideful? Whatever.

So, what matter do you want to talk about? Is it something that newdoc has written? Or something that you've edited for him?

Bring it on. I'm game. I put the over/under at 3 on the number of disagreements I can find in your next argument.
Boy you've got a lot of bluster. Keep spinning your wheels. By the way, both "that" and "who" are gramatically correct. Now tell me I'm wrong with a really verbose, witty reply. Demonstrate your intelligence to the thread! And, pretend you're not wrong. Because you are.
Well **** a duck. The cardinal grammar sin at the ultimate inopportune time.

But, I'm still right and your wrong. See if you can take that bait.
Where were you semantic-policing, hypocritical libs in the mid 80's when one of your own (T. Gore - wife of Al save the earth Gore) was implementing censorship of the music industry?
I have never viewed North Carolina as a right leaning state in general so it is hard to make conclusions from this vote based on party affiliation. That is the massive hole in the original post.

When you see a very lopsided result like this in a fairly moderate voting populace, you should probably alter your analysis.

I think we should also remember that national opinion polls show a very divided populace when it comes to this topic. Gallup shows half of dems against Same Sex Marriage and nearly a quarter against even civil unions.

So lets not pretend one party has a uniform stance or any claim to moral high-ground related to this controversy. The population at large does not agree with one position or another either in any discernible way. This is why our President is being so squirrely and evasive on this subject.

So Satchel fails again I suppose.
i see Perham is now attacking grammer instead of addressing the initial issue and stances. not the first time he's deflected on the issue at hand.

do you ever stay on topic or refrain from name calling when someone disagrees with you?
Perham, try not to look like a complete fraud when cherry-picking your facts and creating random and arbitrary analytical criteria.

NC is listed in the partisan index as neutral with a very slight Republican lean.

The Link

Of their thirteen congressional districts, seven are represented by a democrat and six are represented by Republicans.

Your point about the state house being democratic for the last 140 years actually supports my point.

Your gut impression of the conservative nature of North Carolina dems us irrelevant and unsubstantiated.

Do I need to point out that the last three N.C. governors have been Dems and only four GOP governors have been in power in N.C. since 1877.

John Edwards? Conservative?

I will just conclude you have a gut feeling and aversion to thinking and therefore spew crap that fits your pre-conceived notions.

Anyway, back to the discussion.

How about Prop 8 in California, 2008? Explain that one?

Strictly my opinion, this issue is one that people will publicly and outwardly support. When they go into that booth and nobody is watching they are against this issue. It falls down a political line far to the left then any pollster ever reports. There is a large contingent(relative to the gay population) that is very conservative and think it is none of anybodies business about their sexual preference, and they want to keep the government out of their bedroom.

This is not a straight Right vs Left issue, California is a giagantic example of that....

Yes, you have your Right Religious componet, can't deny that, but what about that other 25-30% that oppose gay marriage where are they coming from? Not just conservatives, I would argue Liberal bases like African Americans, Mexican Americans and your Blue Collar Unionized Democrats voting in substantial numbers against Gay Marriage.

Go ahead and correct me and tell me how your opinion trumps the events in California during the 2008 election and your word is law!
I think the argument is not that Dems universally support gay marriage, but that the GOPs are the ones who raise it as a partisan issue to ignite their base.

Not all GOPs are opposed to gay marriage. In fact, the truely anti-big government GOPs probably don't want government fiddling around in this matter anymore than they want government criminalizing abortion.

Neither gay marriage nor abortion should be partisan issues. How one stands on those issues should not really be connected to the more pragmatic issues that divide the electorate.

Or should divide the electorate. We choose odd battlefields to decide the fate of the nation. Did W do cocaine as a young man? Does Obama hobnob with terrorists?
After reading your post I agree, this is not soley and exclusively a L vs R issue. It is also a cultural issue. It is also an awareness issue. It is also an enlightenment issue. It is also an open-minded issue. It is a pro-family issue.

The frightened, the ignorant, the Xtian fundamentalist (but wait, I repeat myself....), the unenlightened, will, of course, fight giving basic marital rights to gays. Why? Because they are sore afraid. They are ignorant. They cannot see or view the world other than through the distortions of their religious prism.

I'm calling it as it is. As the genial 1960's anti-segregationist was a racist, so is today's anti-gay marriage voter a bigot. It may take a generation or two for this group of bigots to be flushed out of the mainstream body politic, after which they will no doubt congregate amongst themselves in secret, knowing that their backward views are anathema to right-thinking folk.

Gay marriage doesn't harm marriage.

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