El Torito
1,000+ Posts
You're observations go to the core of why Obma/RomneyCare have generated such heated and wide-spread opposition. Common sense suggests that overwhelming primary care physicians with newly "insured" patients could create a shortage. And that the currently uninsured aren't going to magically contribute taxes after receiving coverage, thereby straining already gasping budgets. These observations, however, were gainsaid by proponents. Questions were met with "you'll love it when its implemented" and, worse yet, "you're too unsophisticated to understand this is good for you."
Because these laws were sold as cost-saving measures that would improve health care delivery while allowing citizens to keep their private insurance if they chose, the difference between the pitch and the common sense observations now suggests a mendacity that offends many.
Add to this the torpid view that any state legislative scheme, such as RomenyCare, could, in the end, control health care programs essentially under federal jurisdiction, e.g. MediCare/Medicaid, and you have a recipe for skyrocketing costs and system-wide instability. RomneyCare basically duplicated all the problems at the federal level in Massachusetts.
I agree that both democrats and republicans have persistently shirked their responsibilities in improving/reforming the delivery of health care in our country. We have to do a better job of expanding coverage to help the less fortunate while improving efficiency and cost containment so as not to wreck our budget.
George Will also warns of the dangers of Rule by the Experts:
George Will: Government By the "Experts"
I see several GOP contenders forcefully making the argument that expanding and empowering the federal government with never-before-seen responsibilities and powers is not the answer.
Because these laws were sold as cost-saving measures that would improve health care delivery while allowing citizens to keep their private insurance if they chose, the difference between the pitch and the common sense observations now suggests a mendacity that offends many.
Add to this the torpid view that any state legislative scheme, such as RomenyCare, could, in the end, control health care programs essentially under federal jurisdiction, e.g. MediCare/Medicaid, and you have a recipe for skyrocketing costs and system-wide instability. RomneyCare basically duplicated all the problems at the federal level in Massachusetts.
I agree that both democrats and republicans have persistently shirked their responsibilities in improving/reforming the delivery of health care in our country. We have to do a better job of expanding coverage to help the less fortunate while improving efficiency and cost containment so as not to wreck our budget.
George Will also warns of the dangers of Rule by the Experts:
George Will: Government By the "Experts"
I see several GOP contenders forcefully making the argument that expanding and empowering the federal government with never-before-seen responsibilities and powers is not the answer.