Newt Gingrich

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Newt is great for politics. Hopefully no matter what happens in the race is changed for the fiscal betterness of the country because of Newt and dialogue of what he is saying.

He speaks well and has the anti-teleprompter mind even though he will be disiplined to use one when the speeches are made as he stands outside the oval office from 2013-2016.(we can only hope at this poiint)
I think the Democrats fear Newt more than any other possible Republican nominee. Newt has nothing to really lose, he views this as a purely patriotic endeavor vs. an ego endeavor.

His brashness vs. Obama would be entertaining to say the least.

I think he has a great shot at the Republican nomination.
I thought Democrats feared Sarah? Or was it The Donald? Sorry, but there is no one in the Republican batting order who Democrats "fear." You may sit around and think they are allsome and have Dems worried abt 2012, but truth be told, they are lightweight jokes.

Newt - like Sarah - is only in it for the campaign money.
"It is amazing how clueless some people are!"

And you are proof of that. It is amazing how self-deceptive some people are. You sit in your cocoon surrounded by rightwing media and think the rest of the country agrees with your way of thinking.
And you are wrong.
Take a deep breath and step outside.
And read some blogs and polls other than the ones that scratch your balls.

The majority of the American public don't like any of the potential Republican candidates for President.

And Democrat "fears" Sayrah, Newt, The Donald, or any of the rest of the Gang of Chumps.
Only one of those 3 have declared their candidacy. I'm glad no one fears the ones that have declared. They're all good folks that have served their country so why should they be feared?
I actually read more ******** from both sides than most people on here and it reaffirms my beliefs.

The size of Government is out of control and not good for this country.

My beliefs are based on the Conservative Principles and not the East coast Republicans. Of course you have no clue about the difference between a Conservative Republican and an East Coast Republican. I would be shocked if you knew the difference between a Blue Dawg Democrat and a Northeastern Liberal.

Anyone, I stand by my statement, anybody who thinks that Newt does not have a chance is Clueless. You can call me all the names you want and accuse me of being unread or even clueless as I have said and will continue to say he has a chance. Most Conservatives will not vote for Romney, Daniels or Christie. The frontrunner for the Conservatives of the party is Newt and Ron Paul. At this point I will say that it is between Newt and Romney amongst all Republicans. If Huntsman, Christie or Ryan enter the race it is a game changer. I believe those three are the heavyweights among the Republican party but Newt can play in that sandbox and actually has some skins from a national perspective on the wall.

Again, to think Newt has no chance is having no clue about the different type of Republicans and why they vote the way they do.
major, your post is full of "most conservatives....frontrunner for the Conservatives....amongst all Republicans....among the Republican party". Your points may be true enough and Newt could be the Rep nominee (prayers sent), but it will take more than all of "the different types of Republicans" to win the White House. No doubt 2010 was a big kick in the *** to Dems, but a helluva lot has changed in the short time since; a realist doesn't think the R steamroller is still rolling along...quite the opposite. Ask independents who voted R six months ago and you'll hear a lot of buyer's remorse. As is the case in any national election, it takes many more than either party's true believers to win, and the Reps will be hardpressed to get enough support from minorities (Hispanic : Reps' anti-immigration stance; Black : it's Obama), youth (education cuts, jobs), elderly (Medicare takeover), working class (jobs, jobs, jobs), even the middle class (education concerns, tax inequities, jobs).

But in regards to the Newt, not only are people tired of his nazi-socialist-humanist name-calling of those on the left (while some may love it, most want their leaders to know...not such ********...), but significant Republicans are calling him out on many of his "intelligent" stands and for his current flip-floppery. The Club for Growth: "unfortunately, the problems in Speaker Gingrich’s record are frequent enough and serious enough to give pause.”
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After Newt gave his flabbergasting interview/critique of the Ryan Plan, he's absolutely, positively toast. In one interview, he managed to contradict his previous support of the Ryan Plan, give some degree of aid and comfort to democrats on entitlements, and violated Reagan's 11th Commandment.

Paul Ryan quipped "With allies like that, who needs the left?" The Link

The WSJ put it like this: Gingrich to GOP: Drop Dead

This will go down as a presidential bid that blew up on the launch pad.
Newt's only chance is to grab the middle. He won't stand much of a chance in the early part of the campaign with the people who will judge him for his marital misdeeds which are likely more on the more conservative part of the spectrum.(I'm not happy about those facts but compared to Obama overall I can stomach them)

Gingrich will have to come up with a plan that gives us a serious plan to get the US back to solvency. It's going to be ugly no matter what.
The NBC guy pulling the race card on Newt right away was very telling. The MSM in this country is going to use everything they can to destroy anyone who dares to challenge The One.
Many announced or potential Republican candidates are doing a good enough job of destroying or at least crippling their own futures w/out the mean ol' Liberal MSM.
Hey, as long at the MSM is going to battle for your guy (and their guy) its all good, right?
I like Newt. I think he's an idea incubator for conservatives. He encourages creativity at the think tank level and can promote it effectively in the marketplace of ideas.

But, ultimately, there's no "walking this back" for him. He's the former Speaker of the House and an established conservative leader who speaks with a degree of gravitas not many other Republican candidates have. Despite his credentials, his presidential bid was a risky venture at best, and he had no margin for error, especially at the outset. His best gameplan was to, over time, build momentum on impressive policy credentials while muting his personal scandals.

Newt has tripped himself up on the very foibles he's been often criticized for: lack of discipline/impulsiveness. Viewing his crass attack on the Ryan Plan in the most charitable light, he's acted smugly as if he has nearly won the nomination and is trying to tack to the center to woo moderates. Because of his personal indiscretions, he's at a disadvantage with social conservatives. In attacking the Ryan Plan and calling it "right wing engineering," he just smoked the Tea Party caucus, budget hawks, and just about every fiscal conservative. Who's left to support him?

He has turned what should have been a strength (policy) into an albatross. Only Newt.
I agree that he had damaged himself already. Is it more damaging than Romneycare?
I agree with Newt, the republicans for decades have gone along with the social engineering plans of the democrats. They have participated and our debt is now over the debt cealing again, 14.6 Trillion or so and adding a Trillion a year. Ryan's plan doesnt cut anything, it is a farce. Newt was a contributor to this process I imagine over the years but his statement is technically correct. There is no difference between unnecessay spending plans between the democrats or republicans.
Ahhh...the Wall Street Journal...that bastion of the Liberal Mainstream Media.

And yes, Oilfield, it's all good....and getting better.
Is this the same Newt who believes in an individual mandate for health insurance? Despite his intellect, I think Newt will end up spending too much time clarifying past statements or defending prior actions. Defending his past affairs is irrelevant, but every stop along the campaign will have to include time to explain why he did what he did. The tape of him proposing individual mandates won't play well. Calling Ryan's medicare plan "radical" isn't very smart. Coming up with Kenyan anti-colonial to label Obama's worldview makes him look Trump-ish. These are all things that will get in the way of Newt's current message. My bet is Newt will be back collecting a check from Fox before he's too deep into the primaries.
April 15, 2011

Majorwhiteapples: I think he has a great shot at the Republican nomination.

other posters: He has no shot.

majorwhiteapples: It is amazing how clueless some people are!

April 17, 2011

The Link

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