Jeez, i take note of a few mistruths, actually compliment Gingrich in my post and now i am an "Obama bootlicker" for it. Perfect. I voted for Obama in 2008. He has not won my vote for 2012, but then again that has nothing to do with the OP.
in regards to Bill Clinton:
I am unaware the Clinton claimed to run surplus' throughout his entire administration. If he did, he is lying or misspoke.
I am unaware of Clinton claiming a lower unemployment number than what actually occurred during his 8 years as president. If he did, he is lying or misspoke.
I am unaware of Clinton citing an inccorect number on how much of the deficit was reduced during his tenure as president. If he did, he is lying or misspoke.
Have supporters of Clinton in the past and present actually embellished his record in regards to his administration, i have no doubt of that. However, Clinton himself?
I would be willing to listen and see some links.