Thank you for this post, SLX.
It is a way for those of us who have never met your Dad (but who believe they knew him as well as one could from the nether regions of cyberspace) to find closure.
Lord knows, I've been waiting awhile now for the next post from PhxHorn. Which now I know will never come. There is a certain pain that comes with such knowledge.
Like many others, I will sincerely miss PhxHorn's incomparable posts. The thing I will personally miss is the way PhxHorn could put complex thoughts together in ways that were simultaneously researched, insightful, funny, and, in the end, persuasive. Ah, had the Lord but blessed me with such powers of analysis!
I, and so many other posters, loved a new PhxHorn thread because we knew the thread would be thoughtful and instructive. I'd always emerge from one of PhxHorn's internet sederunts knowing that I'd learned something -- even if the doggone thing had so many responses that by the end of the thread, I'd forgotten what PhxHorn had said in the first place! The man could ignite a football conversation like nobody else, couldn't he?
And the way PhxHorn would joke about his ex's. I must confess to studying PhxHorn's whole schtick about ex-wives to the point where I have by now developed my own. In fact, I've really got to start winding this post up before one of my ex-wives calls wanting to know if I am still wasting my life on internet bulletin boards. Which, of course, I am! Never underestimate the psychic abilities of ex-wives, let me assure you.
As I said earlier, it never happened that I ran into PhxHorn in person, nonetheless, it is my impression that he would have wanted everyone to celebrate his life in happiness, rather than in somber mourning. At least that is my reading of PhxHorn after sacrificing small rodents in his honor and examining the entrails for guidance as to his wishes.
And to end, I will share with you all that very simple question that I learned from Neil Kidwell that I have found to be so powerful in my life --
Your thoughts?