My Final Adios

SL, my condolences to you and your family. Having known your father only through his wrtrings on this and the 360 board, I came to respect him for his objective and fair reporting of Longhorn football and other matters of topical interest.

Certainly one measure of the regard with which he was held is the number of replies posted here by the many familiar names from the 360 board and the early days of Hornfans who for one reason or another rarely post, if at all. May your father rest in peace.
God Bless you and all those who have suffered loss in their lives.
I found myself frequently in full agreement with what Neil said in his wonderful posts. In the fairly rare times we disagreed, you could just feel that the friendship and respect overrode the moment. The guy's posts inspired the automatic click to see what gem was available.

I'll miss those badly, but will also miss him, despite the relative limits of these forums.
Was introduced to Neil though a mutual long time family friend, Jerry Scarbrough, about several years ago. Got to know him via the phone, and then finally met face to face in Houston at a UT lunch bunch similar to the one I started in Dallas.

Can't say that I knew Neil well. But, I'll miss his thoughts on our horns. And, I know that Phx and SLX aren't for "maudlin" posts. But, Shane's post is evidence of the love between this father and son.

As a father to four sons under age five, I hope that we each have a bond so strong.

Yes, Switzer is the antichrist and will lead his hordes into the Apocolypse. Stoops will be right out in front. I'm working on this concept with my young boys now. They seem to be getting it.

We'll miss him, Shane. Vaya Con Dios.
SLX, I'll just say this . . . after many years of reading PhxHorn's posts, and yours as well, it's pretty clear that you're a chip off the old block. And that's a good thing. Your pop's spirit lives on.

God bless.
I remember meeting Phx in 1996 or 1997 at the Spring Game. It was a blustery cold day, and I sat with hotair. He introduced me to Phx behind me. True to form, he was taking extensive notes on the Spring Game.

I started posting on the old 360 hookem BBS at "Andrew@UTLaw" when I was a first year law student. I mainly lurk now due to time commitments at work and my family.

I really enjoyed Phx posts and he, along with reesetex and EyesofTX will always be the first Longhorn BBS Greats.
I really miss those 360 days.

Thanks for making me a wiser man, and for many hours of BBS enjoyment, Phx.

Rest in Peace.

****. I'm sad and hungover and everyone else has already said it better than I can and I really don't feel like going to the effort of composing a thought out and well written post right now. But PhxHorn deserves one and I'll try anyway.

Like so many others PhxHorn was the reason I started posting and the reason I aspired to post well. He still is. His posts will forever remain the gold standard of sports internet bulletin boards. It was early 2000 when I first got a peak of the old 360 board and was amazed at the quality of discussion there. The reason was PhxHorn (and obviously a few others) and the style, wit and content of his posts was inspiring and made me want to not just contribute to such a forum, but become a part of it. To the extent that I have I owe to him.

The only place I ever met Neil was internet forums. As fantastic as he was in such a medium I've no doubt he was better in person. I never had the chance to meet him and a part of me will be saddened by that fact for the rest of my life.

It feels rude of me to say that I miss Neil. What I miss is the entertainment and insight I gained from our internet discussions. I've lost an internet personality that I corresponded cordially with. You've lost a Father and a best friend. To complain of my own sorrow seems beyond insensitive. But I know you're above such pettiness so I will. I miss Neil.

Is it retarded to cry about the passing of a man you never met? I'm sure it is but I don't give a ****.
Shane and other posters,
Thank you for the insight on a great Dad and man. I lost my Mom 30 years ago and my Dad just 3 years back. I also was blessed with a great father and always hugged him and told him that I loved him.....even though after he was gone, I never have felt like I did it enough. After reading your post and all the responses, I plan on going home and hugging my 18 year old son and telling him how much I love him. I only hope I can be half the father to him that yours was to you.
My father used to say " Life is for the living.....bury the dead."
Keep on living Shane, like your father would have wanted.
All the best to you and your family
My deepest condoleances. I lost my old man back in 2000 & it was the worst experience of my life. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

UT seems to bring people together. My dad went to UNT or NTSU as it was called back in the day, but he loved the Horns. We never really got close until I left for college. UT is a special place & I'm glad to hear your dad was a part of it.

God bless you, your father, & the University of Texas...

I never met the man, yet feel that I have lost a friend. The really good ones do that to you.

Thoughts go out to SLX and family.
I never post much, but learned a TON from reading PhxHorn's posts. You can never go home again. . .as the saying goes, but damn I miss those 360 days.

Your dad made being a Longhorn internet denizen truly a fun experience.

Adios, PhxHorn!
Thank you for this post, SLX.

It is a way for those of us who have never met your Dad (but who believe they knew him as well as one could from the nether regions of cyberspace) to find closure.

Lord knows, I've been waiting awhile now for the next post from PhxHorn. Which now I know will never come. There is a certain pain that comes with such knowledge.

Like many others, I will sincerely miss PhxHorn's incomparable posts. The thing I will personally miss is the way PhxHorn could put complex thoughts together in ways that were simultaneously researched, insightful, funny, and, in the end, persuasive. Ah, had the Lord but blessed me with such powers of analysis!

I, and so many other posters, loved a new PhxHorn thread because we knew the thread would be thoughtful and instructive. I'd always emerge from one of PhxHorn's internet sederunts knowing that I'd learned something -- even if the doggone thing had so many responses that by the end of the thread, I'd forgotten what PhxHorn had said in the first place! The man could ignite a football conversation like nobody else, couldn't he?

And the way PhxHorn would joke about his ex's. I must confess to studying PhxHorn's whole schtick about ex-wives to the point where I have by now developed my own. In fact, I've really got to start winding this post up before one of my ex-wives calls wanting to know if I am still wasting my life on internet bulletin boards. Which, of course, I am! Never underestimate the psychic abilities of ex-wives, let me assure you.

As I said earlier, it never happened that I ran into PhxHorn in person, nonetheless, it is my impression that he would have wanted everyone to celebrate his life in happiness, rather than in somber mourning. At least that is my reading of PhxHorn after sacrificing small rodents in his honor and examining the entrails for guidance as to his wishes.

And to end, I will share with you all that very simple question that I learned from Neil Kidwell that I have found to be so powerful in my life --

Your thoughts?

The first post I ever read on this board was one of your pop's threads. He turned me into a perpetual "lurker" of

This response comes from an OU fan that never met nor took the chance of being a$$raped by your dad in a football discussion.

God bless you and your family during this difficult time.
Ah yes the early roots of Hornfans on the Go Big 12 site..... I remember them fondly.... especially the inability of the Aggies to ban my accurate banter regarding their future. Wheich of course has come to pass nearly verbatim.

You Dad did some fine analysis and while I never met him myself I remember reading comments about his generosity, love for the Horns and his love for those that loved the Horns as he did. A sentiment you placed in your initial post.

He will be missed as I am sure you are aware Shane.
SLX, I am truly sorry to hear about the passing of your dad. I never met him, but I used to trade emails with him every so often. I would pass along a little inside info. and he would tell me his thoughts on line play, etc.

If you have an opportunity, please either post a picture of your dad or pm me with one. He was one of the few posters who I have wanted to meet in person.

Best regards and...
There was never a PhxHorn post that I saw and didn't click on. Not one. Neil's thoughts were so well formulated and so entertainingly packaged that I knew reading his posts would provide a bright spot to my day. He was a joy to read, and I'm grateful that our paths crossed in cyberspace.

Thank you, PhxHorn. Thank you, Neil.
I really liked to read the PHX posts first. As a matter of fact there are obly a handful of posts I get to read in a week anymore (notice it took me a couple of days to get to this one). If you had to separate the chaff from the wheat his posts were in the latter group.
What an awesome tribute. I am truly sorry to hear about the loss of your father. He was always a great read and as you have shown also a very great person. May God Bless you and your family during this tough time.

Shane, thanks for sharing how your dad brought you up as a Longhorn. I can just imagine that is where your dad honed his patience and understanding skills that he used so well on the Longhorn boards.

I never met Neil, but I treasure the era of the PhxHorn posts on the 360 board and forward. And one of lifes pleasures, forever lost, the PhxHorn posting era, I will add to my 'good old days' list.

PhxHorn served the Longhorns well.

Adios, Neil, and Hook'em
I'm an Aggie and I used to post on austin360 under a different name. Your dad jumped my *** from time to time. He was difficult to get the best of...he was too smart. It pissed me off. On many days I didn't like him. Not sure we ever exchanged a kind word...but I admired and respected him.

I'm sad.
SL, your father was my second favorite Texas poster after you. As a writer of infinite patience, polish, intelligence and good humor, you truly are your father's son.

My deepest condolences on your loss.
With no disrespect towards others who post on Hornfans, there are a few usernames' posts that I always gravitate towards first -- I call them "must read posts." One of those usernames is/was PhxHorn.

Shane, not having ever met your father, I always respected and enjoyed reading what he had to say. It's no surprise to me now to find out that you two were father and son; his son's posts fall in that same category of "must read posts."

All my best to you and your family.
Your relationship with your father appears to mirror the one I had with my father who passed away unexpectedly about a year and a half ago. God Bless you and your family.