I remember lurking for months on the old 360 site before I ever had the nerve to post. The reason? Because people like Neil, Shane, horndfl, and several others held everyone to such a high standard. I was afraid to be wrong about football, but I was almost as afraid that I would never be able to communicate as eloquently as PhxHorn or a handful of others.
I finally got up the nerve to post one day from my home (at the time) in Philadelphia. I wrote some post about "It's easy to be a Longhorn now, there is burnt orange everywhere and people are begging for tickets." I was basically worn out in the throes of the late summer doldrums...where we haven't played a game yet and everyone is bickering about who's who and what's what in practice and what conspiracies are taking place to ensure that we never again have a National Championship team. Anyway, I made the post and clicked "enter." I was petrified that I would be skewered, or even worse, labeled a "sunshine pumper."
To my surprise, I recieved several very complimentary replies to the post. It's Neil's I will always remember, though. When I saw that he had responded, I was terrified to read the post. I think it started out as something like, "Oh, ****. I suppose you think you're the biggest ******* fan who ever walked the planet and the rest of us are just a bunch of crybabies."
It was the beginning of, as Bogie said, a beautiful friendship.
We flirted with each other and teased each other and cursed each other and made fun of other people with each other. (But always in the most loving of ways, of course.) Neil didn't suffer fools gladly, and it was my pleasure to have met him and to have also met you, Shane. I write this from my mother's in Nebraska, and she also remembers both you and your father well. She sends her regards.
The thing I loved most about Neil was (besides his crotchety, curmudgeonly charm) that if he thought you had the mental capacity to engage in any sort of discourse with him, he would take time to explain things to you - and, unlike some others I've met, would never pull the "You're a girl, You never played the game, you're not a coach or a player so how would you ever know" card with you. If you were intelligent and had even a modicum of manners, he was happy to educate. I was honored that he took that time with me.
I truly believe that as crotchety as Neil could be, he truly loved making people - especially ladies - laugh. I think there were times when I'd tease him right back when he may have actually blushed. Except I'll never know, because I could never really make his face out clearly through his smoke and my bloodshot eyes.
Shane - all my best to you and your sisters. And I say this in the most honorable and ladylike way...
Hook 'em