More Gun Control Needed in Kenya

I noticed no discussion in the media on why Frances extremely restrictive gun control laws failed to prevent the recent massacre in Paris.

I read that there are over 80 million illegal guns in the EU. Guns are only difficult to get in Europe if you aren't a criminal. If you're a crazy Muslim wanting to blow some infidels away and therefore don't mind a simple firearm violation, they're easy to get.

Not long ago I looked into the process of getting a license to acquire a handgun in Germany. It's very extensive, and you have to have a unique purpose to get approved. Simple personal protection isn't enough.
@ShAArk92, have to ask, were you a Warthog driver? F'in awesome plane. That 30MM

One of those landed at Lajes Field in the Azores to refuel while I was there. All I can say is that if you think an assault rifle is a "scary looking gun," you better not look too closely at the 30 mm cannon. You'll piss on yourself.

Sadly, Obama's Pentagon is trying to get rid of the Warthog even though we don't have a true replacement for it.

@ShAArk92, have to ask, were you a Warthog driver? F'in awesome plane. That 30MM...

AYE. Had the privilege to BRRRRRTT ... ;)

Reference the rest of your post ... I won't suppose to tell what any muslim believes, only that which islam teaches and, moreover, what its leader modeled. I'm sure there are plenty of the 1.5 billion who are no more likely to strap-on a vest with C4 and attack a shopping mall on Friday than you or me .. but the thing is, those people are no more Muslim than the guy who attends church twice year and calls himself a Christian.
One of those landed at Lajes Field in the Azores to refuel while I was there. All I can say is that if you think an assault rifle is a "scary looking gun," you better not look too closely at the 30 mm cannon. You'll piss on yourself.

Sadly, Obama's Pentagon is trying to get rid of the Warthog even though we don't have a true replacement for it.

There was only one??? It's usually an entire squadron making the run to/from the ME. 18-24 aircraft staggered through 1/2 the day. 6 ship cells with the tanker.
Sadly, Obama's Pentagon is trying to get rid of the Warthog even though we don't have a true replacement for it.

Over the Thanksgivign holiday, I'm going to start another bipartisan thread on how many ways the F-35 sucks and has wasted our money.

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