More Gun Control Needed in Kenya

Muslims need no reason or excuse to kill anyone, other than maniacal hatred of other religions. Hell, they even kill their own.
ANY action by a non-Muslim is used as justification for a Muslim to kill him. If Kenyans laid down in the streets and asked for mercy, that would be justification too.
When you have murderous intent but litte practical military power, you have to use asymetric warfare, hitting places that are soft and vulnerable. I can't remember who said it, but I remember a quote from a terrorism apologist once explaining their position. (I think after US ships had bombarded Muslim neighborhoods in Beriut) saying "We have no Sixth Fleet."
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However, when was the last time a nation that had our relative economic and military capability used it as benevolently and tolerated as much dissent and hostility from weaker nations and respected the human rights of those nations' citizens as much as we do? It has never happened.

You're right there. We are in a better position to right the world's wrong than any one nation has ever been. Alas, since we can't transplant our values or even capably understand those of the folks we try to help, it's still pretty much an impossible problem. The comfort history provides is the precedent that humanity endures in the face of awful evil and the trends, halting and uneven, have generally been towards education, prosperity, enlightenment and peace.
The only type of gun control that works is what I and other USMC marksmanship instructors taught : BRASS ( breath, relax, aim, slack, squeeze ).
You stated that we need to win the hearts and minds.
So what should we do differently in Kenya and Nigeria? Non-muslims are being killed in order to create an islamic state.

You asked a good question uninformed but I'm unable to formulate a good reply. The Irish were once a superstitious and violent lot and St. Patrick made a tremendous difference. He offered mostly love, the Gospel, charm and incredible personal courage. Dr. Martin Luther King used similar tools and qualities in the United States, using forceful and peaceful non-violence in the face of firehoses and police dogs to show the difference in values between himself, Bull Connor and Gov. George Wallace. He won over the minds and hearts of the country, but not immediately. But at least in openly confronting the bigots, it was against armaments less lethal and persons more humane than those wielding AK47s in Muslim insurgencies.

It's going to take incredible courage and persuasiveness to enlighten those practicing a superstitious, prejudiced and violent form of Islam. Deez has offered a suggestion, that would I think be quicker than the St. Patrick, MLK models, but carries its own drawbacks and consequences.
Looks like some Navy SEALS went and ****** these guys up. Link. Good job, guys!

It's interesting how these guys are able to live in a seaside villa. I didn't know there was that much money in the terrorism business.

Unfortunately, the US has created a culture of resentment in the Middle East and it is impossible to tell whether or not the Kenyan attack would have happened if the US had never meddled in the affairs of Arabs.

We have a history in the ME, and Arabs do not forget easily. Does that make it right what they do? No. Frankenstein's monster wasnt very nice, but he did ask to be created either. Those that set things in motion deserve as much scorn as those who were set in motion.
It is true that the Middle East has been volatile for a very long time, even before Islam ever showed up... but its difficult to tell nowadays what is unprovoked and what isnt. The US has made itself a perfect scapegoat for every terrorist attack.. Of course, I certainly wouldnt blame the Rwanda atrocities on America. Africa certainly has its problems and the US has nothing to do with it. Sadly, too many of these idiots use Islam to justify their madness, which makes no sense.

No compulsion in religion is a pretty big pillar in Islam.
Why do we keep talking about Arabs in connection with the Kenyan massacre? Kenya is as far away from Saudi Arabia as Bulgaria and Afghanistan. Ethiopia and Somalia are in between as is the Red Sea.
When Clerics can use it for political and personal gain, yeah I agree 100%. Even when the US isnt involved, we are used as a scapegoat due to the interferences we have ben involved with. Ron Paul very correctly, referencing the CIA, talks about the blow back. Not saying its fair, but its still true.

There are bad Muslims, if we want to call them Muslims, who will use any reason they can find to promote and justify their agenda. Its human nature.
I noticed no discussion in the media on why Frances extremely restrictive gun control laws failed to prevent the recent massacre in Paris.
you should get out more often. I know many. By many I mean dozens. I have had a couple as housemates, work with a few and have several more as friends both here in town as well as in places I have lived before such as NYC and DC.

Maybe hate or ignorance forbids some people to see things the way they are? Hate is much like a hallucinogen oft times.

There are a lot of Christians around the world, or people that say they are, in prison or doing things around the world that are horrific. I wonder why their sort don't decry the violent epidemic that is Christianity and allow it to happen. We need to get them off the planet. Especially the way they like to touch and molest children globally.

100p ... you'll know them by their fruits.

You list an criminal act committed by a self-declared Christian and I'll show you someone who's acting on their own. Who IS NOT following the example of Jesus Christ.

The same cannot be said of muslims. The difference is in the leader. Those dozens you reference are either muslims only because of culture association or they're as dedicated as ISIS and are practicing Taqiyya ... they're deceiving you.

I've known a few muslims in my time, too ... spending substantial time in Kuwait and Saudi, you get the experience of working with many of them. No one I knew felt accepted, merely tolerated. Granted we were US Military and our presence there militarily, after the Gulf War, wasn't wanted (despite the narrative). However, even on a personal level, there was a lacking accommodation as a visitor ... because we weren't muslim.

I won't tell you your relationships are just like that, but following Mohammed results in the conquest, the jihad ... either in active status, or in covert status. It's not just praying toward Mecca 5x/day.
As a Houstonian, Hakeem Olajuwon was/is my sports hero. My perspective on Islam, this is a very Houston-type non-sequitur experience, has been shaped by a basketball player. I thought it was the coolest when Hakeem opened up a mosque downtown. The building itself was beautiful and exotic. And the vibe of that area was very cosmopolitan. Hakeem also was a guy who spoke about the peacefulness he achieved through Islam after years of being an angry youth.

The Islam represented and practiced by Hakeem is, in my very non-expert opinion, what it is and supposed to be. However, there is no denying that there are many, not few...many...a lot actually, Muslims with a brand of Islam that are hellbent on creating a caliphate and enslaving/raping/beheading every infidel on the planet.

It is not Islam that is the enemy. It may not even be these radical Islamic extremists. It's good muslims who are more concerned with being PC then being pissed off with a berserker rage at a bunch or thugs who haven hijacked their communities and religion. I seriously think there are some relatively assimilated Muslim Yankee fans who care more about beating the Red Sox than destroying ISIS. There needs to be a reckoning amongst muslims about what Islam truly is. It can't be between Western countries fighting the Muslim countries. Until then, we'll be in this 2,000 year-old circle-jerk until we all kill each other.

@ShAArk92, have to ask, were you a Warthog driver? F'in awesome plane. That 30MM...
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