More Gun Control Needed in Kenya

The Christians are worse because they are more subversive and understated. You are right. True scourge. In the name of a deity or not following the tenants, does it matter.

I take it you are not Christian. Actually, I know you are not regardless of claim. Please forgive me if I am wrong. Please, show compassion, please.
I wish that nobody could use the word kill or killing of people if they had not seen combat or a life and death situation. It's easy to stroke a keyboard or ones imagination. It's not as easy in those situations.

I don't know if it's too many video games or movies. Maybe just too much sugar in diets. But it's something.

Oh well, continue the veiled (see what I did there?) anger and hate.
Should the world not be angered by islamic extremists? Should the killing of innocents be accepted rather than reviled?

I have plenty of Islamic friends but that doesn't change what is happening around the world. Again, I ask what do muslim extremists in Nigeria and Kenya have to do with imperialism in the Middle East? In both those countries the goal is to create an islamic state and non-muslims are being killed simply because they are not muslim. Indonesia and the philippines are having similar problems. I think it is important to keep up with world events and not bury our heads in the sand.
Would you actually listen if you heard a Muslim condemns violence?
The Link I guess Dillohorn and Cedar Park Fan are indifferent to violence against Muslims in the United States. The following events happened.
The Link
Your silence is deafening
You want a well-researched piece on Muslim attitudes towards violence: Take a look here. American Muslims are an especially tolerant of people from other religions.
The Link

I know you are a Fox News Junkies, which devotes a lot of air time about implementation of Sharia Law in the United States, using talking-heads like Michelle Bachmann warn about a danger approximately as genuine and concerning as hurricane damage in North Dakota. But alas, reasonable Muslims are excluded from their coverage, just like Global Warming experts who say anything significantly deviating from “the “science is uncertain.” The network is willing to leave you completely in the dark about black leaders’ actions/concerns about black on black violence. People don’t love Fox News because it is fair and balanced. They love it because it strives to confirm their prejudices and exclude any facts challenging to a right wing world view.
There are over a billion Muslims in the world. How many of them are terrorist Jihadis? A very small minority. And yes, there are plenty who condemn their actions, but its also difficult when Western powers dont do anything to keep from making themselves a target.
In fact, it's a pitiful attempt to make an assumption that violence toward muslims is common and draw a parallel between those incidents and the jihadist bombings, shootings, and bloodletting.


Actually, it was an attempt at sarcasm. I know you don't approve of actions cited in the article. I was just attacking the bizarre assumption that because someone hadn't heard of Muslim opposition to the violence that it was nonexistent. Some seem to feel the entire Muslim community is somehow sympathetic or complicit to violence which virtually all Muslim Americans and most Muslims worldwide oppose. I was attempting to show that willful ignorance leads to stupid assumptions.

Deez, as a Christian American, you might want to Google or Wiki information on the number of Muslim civilians killed by US action in Sudan, Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, etc. when you talk about nations that are bloodthirsty. Maybe a look at the raw numbers on may provide satisfying knowledge that the injuries we've suffered from Muslim violence have been answered tenfold.
Deez: Certainly Muslim attitudes towards violence are concerning. Fixing it will be a matter of changing hearts and minds, not killing enugh of the bad guys. How would Sun Tzu handle it? From a strategic standpoint, what we're doing looks to me like attacking a fire ant mound with a six inch hammer -- alarming and motivating people who for the most part would have been indifferent to Westerners.
You stated that we need to win the hearts and minds. So what should we do differently in Kenya and Nigeria? Non-muslims are being killed in order to create an islamic state.
help with "nuance".
Explain how bringing up what Christians did in Europe 500 or so years ago relates to the ongoing incredible violence muslims all over the word are committing now, including beheading 5 y o muslim children

I will hang up and listen
Mr D
Clearly you don't understand nuance.
Anyone that states that the Muslim community condemns these horrible acts cannot be taken seriously. Please flush out your headgear and observe reality for once in your closed minded lives. Who are you trying to kid? Anyone with half a brain can see that there is virtually no condemnation coming from Muslims.
You asked 'Do you understand the concept of a strawman argument??"

You mean like over and over bringing up what one group did over 500 years ago that has ZERO to do with muslims murdering so many NOW ?

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