Looks like the D's are picking up another R seat

I really can't decide what is worse here...

Foley, or someone like Texas who obviously thinks we are 'safer' now because some guy making $10 an hour makes sure we don't have any ******* hand lotion when we board a plane.

Maybe we can go to terror alert orange and really be safe? We can't even get a bottle of water into downtown NOLA 5 days after a hurricane, and you think this governemnt is making us safe? WTF. Even Bush would get a chuckle out of that...
Here's an AIM chat between Foley and the boy. Foley is Maf54.

Better to have a LOLing trolling Republican Congressman on the prowl for underage boys than to have a Democrat I guess.

Texas, you still on board with that sentiment? The honorable Congressman asking a teenage boy about how he masturbates and telling him about how horny he is ok with you because of that (R)?

You've had some real doozies in the past, but this is a disgustingly new low. It might be a good idea to re-consider your opinion in this case. That is somebody's kid he's trying to take advantage of.
NAIU, it's being reported that this was known about by house republican leaders for awhile...I want to also know the truth about this. (However, I also think democrats may need to be cautious on this matter...it may end up backfiring on them significantly.)

It still doesn't mean the Democrats are going to listen to their parade of generals, or that they really have a clue about the enemy and dangers we face, or what to do about them.

Meanwhile, here's the "issues" page on Tim Mahoney's (former Rep. Foley's Democrat opponent, now the perceived front runner in Florida's 16th District) web site, detailing his ideas for keeping America safe. Glad to know about them.
And why, if Republican House leadership in Congress knew for a year they had a child molester in the ranks, did they DO NOTHING as he continued on !!!
Mr. Wizard, who knows?

Wonder how long also it will be before we start seeing comparisons between the current Republican house leadership and the Vatican circa 2002?

Do you willfully try to miss the point? I could give a flip about the Democrats and whether something backfires on them. I'm still trying to get over how a pervert who goes after boys is a better option for you than a Democrat. The only thing you've told me is that now I have a party that protects perverts who go after boys as well. What happened to family values?

You know, I am not a fan of Democrats. However, after thinking more about it, you can ignore my second sentence. I would prefer them over a party that would support the coverup of the sexual antics of one of their members on one hand, while acting as the party of moralizing and family values on the other. The Repubs deserve to lose every seat if that's true. Bigger hypocrisy doesn't come around that often.

I would still like to see you justify the stance you took earlier after seeing that chat dialog, I really would.
I like how Texas considers "the dems" to be a single unified body that always acts in unison. Never mind the fact that political parties are made up of PEOPLE, living breathing human beings, with differences of opinions who should be allowed to say and do what they consider to be RIGHT. "The dems" don't neccesarily have a plan to defend us from terror, because different dems may have different plans.
Also, in 2004 we were had an election that revolved around gay marriage and NOT the war. Now, we're being told that it's the "War on Terror" that's important. (Not Iraq, mind you, because that's a cluster.)

Personally, I'm fine with gay marriage but I'm not fine with 50 something Congressmen trying to **** teenage boys.

The only thing better would have been if Chris Hanson from Dateline showed up in his office.
Think of it like this. In the last 12 months, we've seen DeLay (R), Ney (R), Cunningham (R), and now Foley (R) single-handedly keep the D.C. criminal defense bar in business.

That's one party in one house of Congress in one year.

Add to that the Abramoff, Scanlon corruption (both Rs), Safavian (R) verdict, Claude Allen (R), Scooter Libby (R), DHS spokesman Brian Doyle (R)...another pedophile...and you've pretty much got a feel for who's doing what in Washington.

No wonder they don't give a **** about the WOT and Iraq...these crop of Republicans has enough problems on their hands doing whatever it takes to keep Studly, Muley, and Big Boy from using them as bait in the annual prison sodomy contest.

That's your party, Texas.
Texas, your rhetorical comment about comparisions to the Vatican circa 2002 makes it sound like you agree with that tactic as long as it keeps the (R's) in office. However, that comparision just may be spot on.

It's starting to sound more and more like the GOP leadership not only knew about Foley's "activity", but kept it secret all this time (Texas, you are so worried about timing, how about this one?) and allowed Foley to keep his leadership post and his position chairing that committee to protect children from Internet predation; and did not tell the Democrat on the House page committee about the investigation that Shimkus (R-IL) conducted.

Also, one of the sexually provocative IM sessions is from 2003, not 2005, so there's now a question as to whether the GOP knew about that, and it's come out that the male pages basically warned each other about Foley. Did the GOP leadership know about this or not?

If so, that right there is reprehensible....dare I say, worse than clapping for the Little Miss Sunshine movie?
Freud would have a field day with "family value" moralizers who are all consumed with everyone else's sex life. Not to say that they are all child molesters but that type of pre-occupation has got to be coming from somewhere. Not surprising when some of them reveal their true colors.

I seem to remember it differently. Was Sen. Kerry's main claim to fame (and relevance) in the 2004 election due to his stance on GLBT issues, or his Viet Nam service?

Also, why do you think:

A. Sen. Kerry said during a debate with GWB that he believed marriage should be "between a man and a woman"?

B. That gay marriage initiatives failed in every state they were on the ballot, including blue ones like Oregon?

BTW, interesting commentary in The Palm Beach Post on former Rep. Foley today, including the running reader commentary.
BTW, WTFhornfan, Freud also said in his day that he believed same-sex attraction and homosexuality was due to "arrested (emotional )development".

Try to let him say that on hornfans.com today...
I like how Texas has taken a thread about a child molester in Congress resigning to an attack on dems for smearing his name. It sums up the GOPs political tactics perfectly.
They know nothing else. It's stay the course all the way around, no matter the circumstance or consequences of those actions. Sad really.

Texas, you disappoint.
Brulee, and I'm disappointed as well.

Because whatever I've said isn't 1/8 as sad as the inability of anyone being able to respond to my question about how the Democrats will be able to keep us safer (if indeed they pick up Florida 16 and win back congress), and it's not 1/100th as sad as what I fear will happen if they do.

Oh for there to be a leader on the 2006 Democrats' side with the backbone of an FDR, or an Andrew Jackson.

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