Looks like the D's are picking up another R seat

Maybe I should start a war plan. I don't have control of the military. It would be just as valid and interesting as that of a minority party in Congress, which has no control, either.
No, this is Bush's baby. There is no plan from the Methodists, the Democrats, the Boise State Alumni Association, or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Just Bush and Cheney. You've heard of them, the Commander-in-Chief?
Anybody else is just blowing smoke in the wind, until they gain power. You pretty much have to go along with the Commander-in-Chief during wartime, or you will be considered subversive.
Your warplan Catch 22 doesn't fool anyone, and neither does your moral majority posturing. Move along.
King, I'm quite well, thanks...here's another post to add to this "classic" thread:

Q: Who said yesterday that the fact that former Rep. Foley is (allegedly) gay should have raised questions about his e-mails to boys, and likened a gay man around boys to "Willie Sutton hanging around banks"?

1. Former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) on Rush Limbaugh's show;
2. Democratic strategist Bob Beckel on Hannity & Colmes;
3. Dr. James Dobson on "Focus on the family";
4. Former U.S. Secretary of Education Bill Bennett on Al Franken's show.

(Sadly) The answer.
Why don't we just ask Hornfans.com to provide us a direct link to the "American Thinker" and be done with it instead?
Texas, funny you should mention this as a "classic" thread. It is, in the sense of being evidence of the classic way to totally and irreparably demolish one's own credibility.

GOPers need to back off on this one. Yes, politics are at play. But going offensive will not yield victory, and even if it does it would be Pyrrhic at best. If there's a way on the domestic side of policy annalogous to an unjust war that effectively cedes the moral high ground, this is it.

From what I know of Hastert he's a good guy. But leadership in these situations need to man-up, take any blame and, for the good of their party, let others take control. If y'all truly believe that the good of the country is tied to continued GOP control of Congress, y'all should want that to happen as well. Hastert and Boehner were always B-teamers anyway.

Equivocation as damage control in a sex scandal involving teenagers and much older men . . . after "wow" there isn't much left to say.

The snippet you provided seems to be implying that this was all made up. If that were true, don't you think Foley would be busy defending himself instead of resigning in disgrace and going into hiding?
Brulee, ask and you'll receive, no AT link right now.

Name, we're still finding that out but I fully agree with you...if these were made up charges Foley should have stood and fought his ground.

Now, here's a strange take from Wayne Besen (who from what I've read knows a bit about deceit himself), former Communications Director for the Human Rights Campaign...he says Foley "snookered" the republicans who apparently didn't know he was gay. He also implies that the "closet" in no way caused Foley's problems, but that it DID cause problems for former New Jersey Gov. Jim (?) McGreevey:

In reply to:

This is really the main issue, isn't it? The guy is gay. Republicans have demonized gay people, and won elections by fearmongering to the electorate. Many in the Republican base think being gay is a choice, and is an evil abomination, which their religion teaches.
We may not care, at least most of us, but many voters picture gays as the equivalent of Osama bin Laden, and wouldn't vote for one.
The Washington Post made a mention last week that the House clerk in charge of the congressional page program (who resigned under unknown circumstances prior to the Foley news) is a gay man who was on the board of the Human Rights Campaign.

Accuracy in media has an article today with further clarification of his apparent allegiances. It also speculates on a "homosexual recruitment ring" possibly operating on Capitol Hill. (Who could have speculated about such a thing in today's media climate before "Foleygate"?):

In reply to:

Hayden, man, just drop it. All you're doing is feeding the beast.

The level of denial exhibited on this thread can only be overcome with the help of pharmaceuticals....haldol, thorazine...the old, first generation chemical lobotomy antipsychotics, the "make you drool" in the corner ****.
Truth? You have the audacity to actual refer to the concept of truth after this your 7th attempt on this single thread (yes, 7th...go back and count) to find a way to blame this entire mess from beginning to end on Democrats?


There is no truth in your little corner of the world. You've lost all credibility to even speak of such a thing. And now you've gone so far as to actual imply this conspiracy theory...this latest of the 7 attempts... as truth.

You don't give a **** about "truth"....you don't even know what what it means anymore. Since September 29th, every waking minute in your world has been nothing but one continual attempt after another to rationalize this event in such a way that completely absolves Republicans of any moral accountability, most likely brought about by a personal refusal to accept the fact that Republicans are like everyone else: out of control power-hungry unaccountable sinners whose own lies brought them down.

And, truth be told, this kind of fits you MO. Others will back me up, so I'll just say that in your history of posting on this BBS, if there is a single, overarching theme that you have carried forth it has been homosexuality.

You've got an obsession with homosexuality like no one I've ever seen before or since. It eats you up. Why, I don't know....I've got my suspicions...but frankly I don't give a ****. Constantly, over and over and over it's all you ever talk about. I mean, ****, you never once pass on an opportunity to beat NAIU over the head, oftentimes crossing the line, and oftentimes to the point where you don't even care if there's a line to be crossed.

And now that you're own kindred spirits...after years of spinning and degrading others for no other purpose that political gain....dumped a big, huge turd in your own little nest you literally cannot handle it. You think you can, you actual think you are. But you can't, and you are not.

Good God, just stop. Please.

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