Looks like the D's are picking up another R seat

Texas, my point is that HOLLYWOOD can't tell ANYBODY what to do...now step away from your GOP talking points and get a grip on reality. You are not making any sense.

Do you think Foley's behavior is OK? Or not? Apparently, he thinks it's bad enough to step down instead of the typical deny, deny, deny tactic.

If there's any justice (like the same type we hope will come down on Rep. Foley) those idiot producers won't make a movie again. And from reading previous posts you're intelligent enough to know that Hollywood has a LOT of influence. Will old perverted grandpas start encouraging their granddaughters to do lap dances? I'd think not. (BTW, that same character played by Arkin encouraged his teenaged grandson to get as much sex as the younger male could...good thing former Rep. Foley's page didn't follow that "sick sick sick sick sick" advice.)

But if we just let stuff like that stupid movie stand, and actually applaud it and give it awards, it says a lot about us, doesn't it?

In the meantime, Foley's resigned in disgrace, so like I said let's let justice take its course and see what we learn.

An ex-gay acquaintance of mine, from Great Britain, says he was formerly in charge of diversity at his company over there.

He said that a muslim employee, on learning the acquaintance was gay, said: "When we (followers of his brand of Islam) take over, we're going to put you all to death." My friend says at the time that comment shocked him (though I hope he fired the employee's rear end...I didn't ask him that).

How this thread took a turn with my original response, Seabees, is because I genuinely am frightened of the democrats coming to power. I don't think, like my acquaintance in his mindset back in his "in charge of diversity" days, today's democrats have a clue of the danger we face. I think today's democrats think we can just show those who want to destroy us love, and how much better the world will be if we allow any consenting adults who truly love one another to marry. I think these modern-day democrats think we can actually talk our enemies out of wanting to destroy us.

So, while I know justice must be served on former Rep. Foley if a crime has been committed, I shudder at the thought of democrats of this day and age taking control of the House and Senate.

I genuinely fear they'll cause a lot more harm to America than anything you think GWB (flawed as his fiscal policies are) has done.

You do realize that sometimes Hollywood tells stories about flawed people... and telling those stories is not an endorsement of their behavior right? The grandpa in that movie also died of a heroine overdose; the film hardly set him apart as an example of how one should live their life. Besides, in the end didn’t the family decide that little girl would NOT do pageants anymore?

The fact that you even brought this film up is completely absurd. Can you not address the actions of a Republican without trying to shift the conversation to point out some perceived sin of someone/something liberal?

In the long run, I fully believe that's a vote that will indeed save GLBT (and many other) lives.

In Kyrie's"800 pound gorilla" thread someone says that "politicians" will essentially mess up a war plan.

I'm not sure that democrats, at least of today's stripe, ever much care for what a general, retired or otherwise, says. And their party (who may or may not pick up Rep. Foley's seat in Florida) does not seem to have much of a plan for what to do in Iraq except, well, leave it.

I'm sure that would make my acquaintance's former employee quite happy. And I do believe their return to power at this point in time will put a lot more lives at risk, GLBT and otherwise.
Seabees, do you think we can stop militant Islam from wanting to wipe out homosexuals, America and Israel by merely showing them love?

As for dems and generals...they invited the military to their table, but we don't know whether a democratic congress would implement any of these generals' suggestions, do we?

(BTW, as for my original intent on my response look in turn at the original title of this thread. Was its title: "Accused ephebophile republican congressman resigns?")
Boys, boys, boys!

Calm down. You're getting too excited, which is understandble. If you can just take breath and relax......and point to the place on the doll where he touched you.
This is why I hate politics in America anymore.

A faithful Republican (Texas) hears that a Republican congressman is hitting on underage boys and his first thought isn't that he might (gasp!) be guilty but rather it's Democratic dirty tricks.

Don't blame Texas, either. Democrats are just as bad. Politics is like sports anymore. No matter what a player on your favorite team does, you'll take up for him. If he's not on your team, you crucify him.

NWA, indeed, especially when the thread title is: "Looks like the D's are picking up another R seat "


It's even more depressing when there's a group of people who seriously want to destroy GLBT people (and America, FWIW) and a formerly great, dominant political party has by their own words and actions no idea of the magnitude of the threat, let alone how to deal with it.

You're now overly concerned about terrorism as if the Democrats get elected, we'll all of a sudden crumble.

Why then, in 2004, did the Republicans make a big deal about gay marriage and NOT Iraq?

They're all over the gay issue when it suits them but now that it's hung around their neck, they want to talk about the war that's not going well.

Or better yet, they want to talk abou the "War on Terror" and NOT Iraq. Yet, Bush has been telling us they're intertwined.

NWASooner, forget gay marriage.

I've not seen anything from the present-day Democrats that shows me they have any genuine idea how to protect America and Americans.

Wow...this thread is the perfect example of what is wrong with American politics. On one side we have a Democrat showing glee that they might pick up a seat in Congress and on the other you have...Texas who appears to be typing from his homemade bunker in his backyard.

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