An ex-gay acquaintance of mine, from Great Britain, says he was formerly in charge of diversity at his company over there.
He said that a muslim employee, on learning the acquaintance was gay, said: "When we (followers of his brand of Islam) take over, we're going to put you all to death." My friend says at the time that comment shocked him (though I hope he fired the employee's rear end...I didn't ask him that).
How this thread took a turn with my original response, Seabees, is because I genuinely am frightened of the democrats coming to power. I don't think, like my acquaintance in his mindset back in his "in charge of diversity" days, today's democrats have a clue of the danger we face. I think today's democrats think we can just show those who want to destroy us love, and how much better the world will be if we allow any consenting adults who truly love one another to marry. I think these modern-day democrats think we can actually talk our enemies out of wanting to destroy us.
So, while I know justice must be served on former Rep. Foley if a crime has been committed, I shudder at the thought of democrats of this day and age taking control of the House and Senate.
I genuinely fear they'll cause a lot more harm to America than anything you think GWB (flawed as his fiscal policies are) has done.